Day 7

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I lay in bed, weak and unable to move. My mind was racing though with worries and bad thoughts.  When the door opened, I was too tired to even get up and remove everything. I just lay and drifted back to sleep until I was woken up again.

"Katie?!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Jason standing over me. "You ready to eat?" My eyes widened and I sat up to get away from him. "Where are you going? " He asked as I stumbled out of the bed.

My heart raced in fear, finding no where to go. I stopped in a corner of the room, turning around to see Jason right behind me. I stared at him, our eyes locking and the look of worry in his eyes as well.

"It's all an act! He's not worried about you!" The voice in my head said.

"There's no way he can be acting!" The other argued.

"He doesn't care about you!"

"Maybe he does!"

I grabbed my head in pain, wanting it all to stop. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt tears, but the voices continued to battle in my head.

I jumped at the touch of Jason grabbing my arms. "Katie, calm down! Everything is okay!"

Breathing became more difficult and my knees became weak, causing me to start to fall.  Jason caught me, holding me tightly.

"Okay, you need a doctor right now," he ordered, helping me stand again.  My eyes widened, knowing that if a doctor checked me out they would find out I've been skipping meals and my pills.

I jerked back, escaping his grip and quickly walked to get to a new corner.  Maybe he would just leave if I kept moving away.  It's not a great plan, but it's all I got.  I slowed down as I started to see black spots and felt short of breath once again.  I felt dizzy and starting to fall over, but I blinked and stood straight least for a second before I felt my body hit the ground and I fell asleep.

Beeping filled my ears and got progressively louder as I slowly opened my eyes.  Everything seemed white and clean, and it only took me a second to realize I was in a hospital  room.  I looked down at my arm and noticed and IV, along with the absence of extreme hunger that I've been feeling the past few days.  My head however, did still ache.

I looked up as the door opened, locking eyes with Jason.  He froze in the doorway, probably surprised I was awake.  I realize now that he's probably going to ask me a lot of questions, questions I didn't want to answer.  To my surprise though, he rushed over and took my hand.

"You're awake!  Part of me was scared you weren't going to ever wake up," he exclaimed, his voice full of relief.

I stared at him, surprised he was so worried.  My eyes then moved down to our hands, a tingling sensation running through me.  Jason noticed me staring and quickly removed his hand, leaving an emptiness.

"Sorry...I just...I'm glad you're okay," he apologized, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him.  I felt a huge amount of guilt now, I didn't think he would care.  There was silence before Jason spoke up.  "They found all of the food you've been hiding, my long have you been skipping?" he asked.

I took a deep and shaky breath, knowing this was coming but feeling awful about it.  It wasn't the last of it either, it was only the beginning.

"Why did you do it?  Was it...was it because of me?" he asked softly, but also demanding. He sounded so emotional, and making me remember everything made me emotional.

My vision became blurry as I tilted me head further down, trying to hold back the tears.  It was a mistake, a stupid mistake.  Yet, we were both paying for it.  I can't tell him I was trying to kill myself because he made me feel trapped.  I didn't have it in me.

"I've been trying, so hard!  Just to make you feel comfortable and give you what you need!" He yelled, sadness evident in his voice.  "I have never felt the need to take care of someone like this, and I never have!  I've done everything I can, and...and then do this..." he trailed off, making a tear escape from me.  He stood up in frustration and turned away from me.

"I-I'm sorry," I cried softly, slowly looking up at Jason.

He stood there for a second before turning around to face me again, a shocked expression on his face.  "Did...did you..." he stuttered.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, louder this time so he knew he wasn't just hearing things.

Jason smiled, a real genuine smile as he came over and hugged me, my eyes widening in surprise. He backed away, staring at me with that same smile.  I felt mesmerized as I stared back.  Jason slowly moved closer, my heart beating faster as he did.

The door opened though and a doctor walked in, making Jason jump back.  The doctor was a younger man who gave a smile.

"Glad to see you're awake.  How do you feel?" he asked me.

I struggled to find words, having not spoken for about a week up until today. "G-good.  I mean, my head hurts, uh but I feel better than I did before," I elaborated.

The doctor smiled with a nod, coming closer to go through a small checkup.  He started talking some more, but all I could think about was Jason.  I looked over at him, but he was focused on the doctor and watching him.  He caught me staring and I quickly looked away.  Today has been quite eventful.

Here you go!  I know a lot of people have been asking for when Katie would speak, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are looking forward to more!

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