Day 19

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"It was nice meeting you, I'll see you tomorrow for your first proper session!" I smiled at Tony, one of the gang members and now a patient of mine.

He gave a nod and grin before leaving. Jason walked in, glancing at Tony before back at me. "How did it go?" He asked.

"Good! I've only spoken to three of your members, but so far things are going great! I feel like I'm back at work, I'm starting to help people again, and I just...I'm excited!" I couldn't hold back my smile as I thought about it.

Jason grinned. "I'm glad you're happy...but you can't have any meetings tomorrow."

My smile faded just as fast as it came. "What?"

"Or...the next few days actually. Maybe even week, I haven't really..."

"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on? I just started and you're already stopping me?" I cut him off, standing up so we were somewhat on the same level.

"Look, we're having...issues that has to do with the gang business, and I can't have any of my members distracted or taking time off to talk to you," he explained, although left out actual details.

I crossed my arms. "It's not like they're slacking off, Jason, they're trying to better their mental health, many of which you screwed up!" I snapped, making Jason raise his eyebrows. I softened, realizing what I had just said. "Look, I didn't mean..."

Jason shook his head, stopping me. "No, you did. And you're right! The gang life messes up a lot of people, but you have to know that it also helps people too. It makes them a part of something," he defended himself and his gang.

"I can see where you're coming from, but these people do have problems and if they aren't helped it could make things worse for not only them, but the gang too."

"It's just too dangerous right now, okay? I'm not doing this to punish you I'm doing this to protect you!" He raised his voice, becoming stern now.

"Protecting me?" I questioned, catching what I assume he didn't want me to since his expression changed once I said it. "Jason, what's going on?"

He shook his head again. "Nothing, you don't need to worry. Just...go to your room," he ordered.

"Not until you tell me..."

"Go to your room!" He interrupted, demanding now.

"Tell me what's going on," I stood my ground.

Jason huffed, holding his head in frustration. "Damn it, just listen! I don't want you involved, don't you get that!"

My eyes widened as I could see his anger was getting out of control again. Jason sighed, coming towards me and causing me to take a step back. He stopped for a moment, then slowly came closer to show no threat. He grabbed me by my arms and looked down at me. "Please...I think it would be safest for you to just stay in there for a bit."

I nodded, looking down. "Okay..." I gave in, understanding he was trying to help me. "Do you know how long?" I asked, looking back up at him.

Jason shook his head. "I wish I did."

I sucked in my lips and gazed off to the side. "Okay," I repeated before giving him a small and quick grin. I then stepped aside and out of his grip to walk away until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

When I turned around he planted a quick kiss on my lips. "I'll see you for dinner."

I gave a more genuine grin now, nodding. "Yeah," I agreed, then actually walking away this time.

When I got to my room, I lay down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling with my thoughts. But rather than wondering when I wouldn't have to be in here anymore, I wondered what it was that was so threatening I couldn't go out.

Omg I'm actually surprised how fast you guys reached the 20 votes, it hasn't even been a full day!! Thanks so much, here's the next part!  There's a lot more to come!  Comment any predictions you have, I'm curious!

Luv ya!

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