Day 15

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"Morning," I heard a soft whisper along with some creaking. I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing the sunlight out of them. Once I adjusted, my eyes landed on Jason who was standing next to the bed. "Sleep good?"

"The best I have since being here actually," I answered, now realizing I actually slept well; peaceful even.

Jason gave a small grin. "Good to here. Ready for breakfast?"

I nodded, sitting up and letting out a yawn. "Yeah, where is it?"

"Downstairs," Jason replied.

"Oh. Why are you up here then? You usually come in after or with the food," I questioned.

Jason hesitantly responded, "That's because the food is downstairs..." he trailed off, making me raise an eyebrow as it still didn't answer the question. "At the table...which is set..."

I stared at him now, unsure if I was hearing correctly or just assuming. "Are you saying..."

Jason motioned his head towards the door. "Let's go."

I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, cautiously standing up and following Jason out the door. As we walked downstairs, the scent of hash browns became overwhelming. Sure enough, the table was set and multiple plates of food were set out to be dished up. There were two empty plates at each end of the table, one for me and one for Jason. A worker saw me and rushed to pull out a chair for me. I hesitantly sat down, still taking everything in.

As Jason sat across the table, I could feel his eyes locked on me. "Everything okay?"

I slowly nodded. "Yeah, it's just...a lot...especially for breakfast," I answered, another worker coming over and placing my pill beside my cup. "And the fact that I'm even down here for breakfast instead of in my room is just...strange..."

"I told you this would become home. I think it's about time it started feeling like that, don't you?" he questioned as he started dishing up his food.

I stared at him, at a loss for words. "Yeah..." I trailed off. I know I spoke to him about changing my attitude and wanting to just walk around and even talk to him more, but I never imagined him taking it to this length and actually...treating me as a guest rather than a prisoner.

"Are you going to start dishing up your food?" he asked, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Oh. Uh, yeah. Sorry," I chuckled, reaching out for some fruit.

As I dished up my food, Jason started to speak. "So, after we're done eating is there anywhere in the house you want to go to?" I raised my eyebrows, surprised once again. Jason noticed my reaction and commented, "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "No! I'm're so...this is strange," I searched for the right words.

Jason chuckled. "I told you, this is your house too. I'm starting to give you more freedom. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yeah, of course but I didn't really expect it, or at least not this much so fast," I explained, now reaching for the orange juice. There was some silence as I thought about somewhere to go. I wanted to go outside more than anything, but I wasn't even going to bother to ask because I didn't want to push. I'm thankful to go anywhere other than my room. "Could we go to the...the music room? The one with all of the instruments?"

Now it was Jason's turn to look surprised, but he nodded. "Sure."

"What?" I questioned his expression.

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