Day 2

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When I woke up, I noticed my tray sat by the door.  I sighed, staring at the ceiling and really wondering if I had to eat.  I sat up anyway and then walked over to it.  It was a basic toast with jelly along with a banana and then my pill and water.  I quickly took the pill and washed it down with water, feeling that as my number one concern.

I looked back down at my tray, about to set my water down and eat when I noticed  something.  There was a card sitting next to my food with my name written on the front.  I furrowed my eyebrows as I picked up the card and opened it with my free hand.


Yesterday didn't go too well, and since you seem so eager to get out I thought I'd show you around the house to at least get you familiar with your new home.


I froze as soon as I saw Jason's name, dropping my water and then jumping back as the water and glass spread.  I covered my mouth, freaking out more by the note.  I didn't want to go anywhere with Jason.  Would he kill me today?  Was this how he was going to lure me somewhere to take my life?

Guards rushed in, seeing my mess and messaging something over their radio system.  Soon there were maids starting to clean it up.  I had two guards on both sides of me in case I tried running again, but I still stood there staring at the card.

"I see you got my note," Jason's voice made me snap out of my thoughts and look up.  He looked down at my mess before back at me.  "A little accident?" he questioned, but I remained silent.  "At least I hope it was an accident.  Because breaking things won't do you any good."

I ignored Jason, not needing to say a word to him anyway.  I looked down at the card again before setting it on the bed, having no need for it.

"Ready for a tour?" Jason asked, making me look at him again.  One of the guards pushed me forward, making me look back at them and then Jason.  I had no choice but to slowly step forward to him and another guard who had handcuffs ready for me.  I wouldn't even be able to protect myself, or try for that matter.

I had the handcuffs put on, seeing as I had no other option.  I stared at them, pulling them apart a little.  I would never get use to these, it was a reason I didn't require all of my patients to wear them.

"It doesn't feel good...does it?" Jason asked, noticing I was messing with them.  I looked up at him knowingly.  "But we can work towards getting them off...just like you did with me," he assured.  This wasn't the same thing though, and I wondered what I did to make Jason want to put me in this situation.  "Let's go!" Jason ordered his men, who obeyed like usual.

I followed Jason out as he took me downstairs.  When we reached the bottom, we were in the front room, meaning there was a door that led to outside.  I stared at it, wondering if there was a way I could get out.

"Don't think about exiting that way.  I have men all over, and even if you did manage to escape you would have handcuffs still," Jason warned as if reading my mind.  "There isn't much to this room.  It's just where people enter.  There is a piano in the corner, but I don't have much time to play it anymore."

We entered room after room, Jason telling me what each is for.  There was a lot too.  There was a living room that seemed more like a theater, a room just for gaming, and even a kitchen with three parts: storage, cooking, prepping, and then the dining room to actually eat in. There were also countless rooms for Jason's top guards along with multiple rooms for training, meetings, and security.  Jason made it clear I would eventually be able to go in these rooms once I was more comfortable and didn't try to escape.

"Finally, there's my room," Jason announced as we reached the last room which was the last one down the hall upstairs.  "This is where I of course sleep as well as do some of my business or more private things like classified phone calls, emergency hide outs, and things of that nature," he explained.

I stared at the door, actually wanting to see this room.  I was curious as to what his room was like, and what kind of things he kept in there.  Did he ever do any of his killings in there?  Is that why this is the last room?

"Because of that though, we won't go in there," Jason said to my surprise.  I furrowed my eyebrows, a bit confused.  Was it really that private that I couldn't go in?  "I know I said you could go in any of the rooms, but this one is banned.  You are not to ever go in, and if you do there are consequences," he threatened.

I gulped, scared but having more of a desire to go in now.  What did he keep in there?  It has to be more than just your typical things.

"Now, back to your room," Jason said, leading the way.  I looked back at his room though, curious.  At least until I was pushed forward by a guard and then followed Jason.

I entered my room and all the guards left, leaving just me and Jason.  "Any questions?" he asked, and even though I had so many, I kept my mouth shut.

Jason nodded.  "I'm not surprised," he muttered honestly.  "But you'll get used to it.  You'll see this place isn't so bad and that I really am doing you a favor," he said.  He stepped forward but I just took a step back as he did, wanting to keep my distance.

Jason sighed, stepping back again.  "Okay...I'll see you tomorrow, I have work to do," he said before walking away and out the door.  There was no way I would ever get use to this, and it's no wonder Jason wanted to break out of prison.

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