Day 20

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When I awoke the next morning, I got up and walked to the door as usual.  Except this time when I tried opening the door, it was locked.  I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking the knob a bit before realizing that I was locked up in here as if I had just arrived.  I scoffed, heading back towards my bed until the door opened.  I turned around and found Jason walking in, a worker following with a tray and setting it on the dresser.

Once the worker exited, I spoke.  "Back to where we started?"

"Look, it's only temporary until I know there's no threat to you," he defended his actions.  I rolled my eyes and looked away from him.  He walked over, placing his hands on each side of my head so I would look at him.  "Besides, we're not exactly where we started," he said, leaning down and kissing me.  I grinned a bit into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

When we pulled away, I kept my arms around his neck.  "I guess some things have changed," I agreed with a smile, causing Jason to smile as well.

"Well, I wish I could stay, but with everything..."

"Go," I cut him off, nodding towards the door because I already understood.

He grinned, giving one last peck on my cheek.  "I'll see you later," he said as he walked off.

"Yeah," I breathed out, looking over at my food and deciding I should eat.

I sat in my room for hours, just staring at the ceiling or pacing around.  I forgot how boring it was to be stuck in here, and realized just how happy I was outside.

I jumped at the sound of a loud crashing sound from downstairs, wondering what on earth could be happening.  I shook my head, probably some gang thing.  I started to lay down again until I heard more crashing and even gun shots.  My heart started racing as I grew nervous.

The door burst open with some of Jason's gang members.  "We've been directed by Jason to take you and evacuate," one of them informed me, holding his hand out.

I nodded, standing up and walking over, two of them grabbing my arms.  Another walked in front and another behind, leading the way out.  Almost immediately one of the members shot at someone who was nearing us.  My eyes widened, thankful I couldn't see the person being shot.

Instead of going downstairs like usual, they led me another way as I'm sure there would be more people coming after us.  We moved quick, but I was still lost in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked, needing information.

"Invasion, now keep quiet," the same member from before answered.

My anxiety raised as Jason's words were suddenly very real, and I now felt that threat.  "Where's Jason?" I lowered my voice, jumping at the sound of more crashing from downstairs and now added yelling, though I couldn't make out the words.

"He's fine, he's been through this thousands of times."


"No more talking!" He cut me off as we approached a room.  One of them opened the door and revealed stairs leading down to some sort of tunnel: an escape.

We all rushed down to find the way out, but all I could think about now was Jason.  I know that he's been doing this for years, but he's also been caught, that's how we ended up meeting.  But what if this time he isn't just caught?  He's done countless illegal things, including homicides, so what if this is the last straw?

The members then stopped as we reached another door, what I assume to be the exit.  It opened and revealed sunlight, but we didn't get too far people were out there waiting for us.  All of the gang members now surrounded me for protection.

"Stop!  You're surrounded!" A female's voice shouted.  I couldn't see past the gang members to see who was speaking, or how many people were actually surrounding us.  "Put your hands up and step away from the girl!" The female ordered.  The gang members obeyed and I now got a clear vision of who was stopping us: the police.

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