Day 20 Part 1

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I didn't sleep at all last night, confusion taking over. Was this place actually going to help me? Was it worth it to leave? Should I just run back to Jason? It was all I could think about.

I stared at the stress ball, memorizing the number printed on it. What if I was just over thinking this and the number wasn't even Jason's? It took only a minute to remember the simple number before I pushed the button in my room to get a nurse to my room. Within seconds, a nurse opened the door to assist me.

"Could I make a call?" I asked.

She nodded, motioning for me to follow her. She led me down a hall and into a new room with multiple phones. There were a couple patients already in there, none that I recognized though. "You have ten minutes, then the call will be dropped. Knock on the door when you're finished and I'll lead you back to your room" the nurse informed me, closing the door and leaving me to my call.

I let out a breath, dialing the number and waiting for someone to pick up. It only took two rings, then a man's voice came over the phone, "Hello?"

It wasn't Jason, but I had never seen Jason with an actual phone. "Hi...this is Katie..." I trailed off, my voice soft. "Katie Hartford," I clarified.

"Katie...I've been informed who you are by Justin," the voice recalled.

Justin? Who's Justin? "Justin?" I questioned.

"Yes, I assume you got the number he left for you." I furrowed my eyebrows. This has to be the right number, the man knows who I am and that this number was left for me...and Justin... "Did you change your mind from last time you spoke with Justin?"

I hesitated, now needing to make up my mind. "Um...yeah...I did."

"Great, I'll tell Justin. He can visit you later today."

I let out another deep breath, leaning against the wall. "Yeah, I'm ready...uh to see him."

"Okay, just remember you only have a minute," the man warned.

"A minute?" I questioned. How could Jason possibly get me in a minute?

"Yes, and then ten minutes. Justin had to change his plan to see you because he could get in trouble. He'll be coming from the same place though. Do you understand?"

I nodded, then remembering this guy can't see me. "Yes, yeah I got it."

"See you at twelve," he finished, hanging up.

I stood there for a minute, processing what was said to me. There was a lot of code, but I think I understood. It was just the whole minute and then ten minute thing. What did that mean?

I stared at my clock, waiting for twelve to approach. I knew Jason wouldn't come at noon, so this part was obvious. But what would happen at midnight? What about the minutes? I was still confused, and my heart pounded with anxiety.

Twelve. Midnight. It was time. But what now? Was someone getting me? How was I getting out? The numbers on my clock disappeared, the AC stopped, and I heard a click. The power was out, was this the plan?

I stood up, walking to the door. The doors were electronic, so if the power was out could I open it? I reached for the handle, slowly opening the door. I raised my eyebrows. I grabbed the stress ball, that being my only belonging, and put it in the pocket of my nightgown. I walked out, carefully closing the door right before a loud mechanic sound echoed and the power came back on. One minute.

I quietly but quickly walked down the hall: I had ten minutes now to make it to the roof where Jason must be. I found the stairs, making my way up and actually finding this all quite easy...until a nurse came to the stairs from another floor. We made eye contact for a second, and then I bolted up the stairs.

"We have a runaway, east side going up stairs," I overheard the nurse on a walkie talkie of sorts.

My legs took bigger strides, skipping stairs so I could beat any nurses that came my way. I only had two more floors until I reached the top. I could footsteps from behind me from the nurse. I drowned it all out though and just focused on making it to the roof.

I got to the final floor, opening the door and feeling a strong breeze. I took a moment to take it in, feeling the freedom I've been craving since I got here. A bunch of men dressed in black then came out from behind walls on the roof. I froze, not knowing what to do now, but the men went past me.

I turned around, the men taking nurses and holding their hands behind their back. I now heard a faint alarm sound coming form inside as more nurses made their way up, along with doctors now. They outnumbered the men, who I assumed were part of Jason's gang.

I slowly stepped backwards, moving away from everyone. I went to the edge of the roof, turning around and peaking over the edge. It was a long way down. I could see police cars making their way over here, but no sign of Jason.

"Katie!" I turned back around, seeing Dr. Perkins. I looked around him, seeing chaos erupting as the gang held guns to the hospital staff. "You need to get back to your room! It's safe, and we'll help you work through this.

My breath was heavy, and I wasn't sure if it was from running or the adrenaline of everything. "I...I can't stay here anymore!" I raised my voice to be heard over the wind, much more wild at this height.

"You can! We've been making so much progress!"

I shook my head. "No, you've been making progress, but I haven't."

"Katie, please just come on over..." Dr. Perkins took a step towards me, a gun immediately being pointed at him. "We're trying to help!"

I turned back around, stepping up on the ledge. There was a chorus of gasps from the nurses and doctors. "Katie! Don't do this!" Dr. Perkins shouted, sounding more desperate now.

Of course they would think I would jump, they think I'm ill. "Stop talking! I know what I want! I know what I need! And it's not this!"

"Please, let us help you!"

"This place isn't helping me, it's made me worse!" I argued, having to shout more as wind picked up.

"Jason will make you worse! Jason won't help you!" Dr. Perkins said.

I opened my mouth to counteract, but I couldn't speak over the sound of a helicopter coming towards the building. I could hear it behind me, but then another sound stood out. "What makes you think I can't help?"

My eyes widened and I carefully turned around. There was Jason, standing in the opening of a helicopter.

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