Day 20

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I didn't see much of Jason after our little talk.  Someone else delivered my soup, and I ate it all and then threw it back up an hour after eating it.  Jason checked on me then, giving me some water and then leaving again.  That was it though.

I woke up, stretching and rolling over to nuzzle my head in my pillow.  My eyes shot open as I realized I was in a new location.  I sprung up, looking around and panicking again.  I calmed though when I saw I was in an , I wasn't sick to my stomach, and I wasn't chained to anything.  I was even in pajamas.

I stood up, running to the door and trying to open it with no luck.  I sighed, looking around again and walking over to the balcony.  I tried opening the doors, but of course they were locked.  I looked at the windows, figuring they were locked as well.

"It's so you can't leave." I turned around and saw Jason standing in the doorway that was now open.


"Everything is locked so you don't leave," he rephrased.

"Yeah, I heard you but...why?" I asked.  Jason shut the door behind him and walked closer to me. "Stop!" I raised my voice, stepping back.  He did as he was told, probably seeing that I was scared.  "Jason, what's going on?" I demanded an answer now.  "Why am I here?"

"Look," Jason started to walk closer, but I stepped back again.  He sighed, looking at the bed and sitting down.  He patted the spot next to him, but I just stared at him.  He raised his eyebrows, waiting.  I hesitantly walked over, slowly sitting beside him but still keeping my distance.

"Why did you take me?" I asked softly.

"Because you needed to escape that place just as much as I did."

My eyebrows furrowed, feeling even more confused now.  "What are you..."

"I may have been the one locked up, but you were stuck in a rut!  You spend the entire day at work, go home, eat, sleep, then repeat."

"I liked that rut!  I worked hard to get that job, and you took me away from it!" I yelled, getting angry now.

"You have no responsibilities here!  I took you so you could have fun and not worry about prescribing people, solving their issues, and being afraid of getting attacked!" Jason yelled back.

"I loved that job!  I loved helping people, I loved having freedom!"

"You can have freedom!  It will just take time for me to trust you won't leave."

"You can't keep me here, I need to go," I started standing up until Jason stopped me.

"You can't go.  You're here now, and there's no turning back," he said, looking me in the eye.

I stared back, moving his hand away from me.  "What about my family?  And all of my things?  I have a life back at home and you took that away!" Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Your life is here now, you can start over."

I shut my eyes, shaking my head.  "I want to go home.  It was one thing for you to escape, but it's another to kidnap me," I held back tears.

"I did this for you!" Jason exclaimed.

"You don't do anything for anyone but yourself!" I yelled at him, my vision blurry.

Jason stared at me.  "Katie..."  I shook my head, no longer able to correct him since he took me from that job.

I stood up, going to the door.  "I don't want to be here," I stated, grabbing the handle but having my wrist grabbed by Jason.

"You're not going anywhere!" he snapped.

"Let me go!" I demanded, only filled with anger rather than fear.  "You can't keep me here!"

Jason moved close to my face, his eyes dark.  "You try leaving and there will be consequences.  You belong to me now!" he threatened.

"I don't belong to anyone!" I moved closer to him.

He glared at me.  "You do now.  New life, new rules!" he threw my hand down and reached for the doorknob.  He walked out of the room, slamming the door and locking it.

"Jason!" I shouted, tugging at the door.  I started banging on it, hoping he would change his mind.  I knew he wouldn't though.  He didn't care about me, just himself.  He probably just liked holding someone captive to control them.  And it just so happened to be me this time.  This is my new life.

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