Day 4

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I walked in to the police station, hoping to finally get some answers. I had no idea what happened with Jason, what they would do if they found him, or even what this whole situation meant with me.

"Hi, I'm Katie Hartford. I'm supposed to speak with someone about..."

"The Jason McCann hostage case," the receptionist finished with a nod. "I'm familiar. Officer Frage will be with you in a moment."

I gave a nod and stood patiently as I waited for this officer to arrive. I know they're expecting me to give them answers, but I honestly just needed some of my own.

"Miss. Hartford?" I looked to my left and a policewoman approached me. I recognized her from when I left Jason's house. She smiled and held her hand out. I reached out and shook her hand as she introduced herself, "Hi, Officer Frage. I'm on the Jason McCann case. I'd like to take you to my office to discuss if that's alright."

I nodded in agreement and followed her back, sitting across from her once we arrived. It was a small office, but she had plenty of personal items that made it feel full.

"So, I first want to ask how you're doing."

"Oh, I'm doing fine. How are you?" I asked politely.

She smiled at me. "I'm doing great. Now, I'm just going to ask you some questions that could help further the case, and if at any time you feel uncomfortable you have the right to end this interview," she explained.

"Can I ask questions too?"

"Of course, although I can't promise that I'll answer. Now, was Mr. McCann the one that kidnapped you?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I thought you already had that figured out?"

"We know you were staying at his house, and we know he was in charge, but we need to know if he's the one that physically took you."

"Well, no. Someone else took me, but I don't know who it is, just one of his gang members."

"Can you describe him for me?" She asked, pulling out a pen and paper.

I tried remembering, but then I realized I never actually saw him. "I was knocked out once they found me, and then everyone was masked."

"Then how do you know it wasn't Mr. McCann?"

"Well, a man said he found me but then I was knocked out. It wasn't Jason's voice though."


I sighed, not surprised by this reaction anymore. "Yes, I've always called him Jason, can I ask my own questions?"

Officer Frager leaned back and crossed her arms. "Like what?"

I raised my eyebrows, not expecting to ask right now. "Um...well it sounds like you didn't catch him, and that was going to be my first question. So I guess my next question is...what happens when you do?"

Officer Frager sighed now, thinking. "Well, you know this isn't his first offense, and since he got lucky last time but has a terrible's not going to be good. I would think life sentence...but if worst comes to worst and his lawyers don't pull through like last time, it could be the end for him."

I sat there, staring now with a shocked expression. Death? He can't die, not over this...not over me. "And...would I get a say? Would I go to his hearing?"

"Of course, you're equally involved in this case."

" word would affect his court order? I could determine whether or not he gets the death penalty?" I asked, feeling more anxiety.

She raised an eyebrow now. "It could sway the order, that a problem?"

"It's's a lot of pressure..." I trailed off.

"Well, we want justice. We want to give him what he deserves, and after all the torturing he's done, now to you, the death penalty may be best."

I sat up now, feeling offended for Jason. "How could you say that? He didn't torture me, he never even hurt me!" Officer Frager watched me closely now. I grew nervous once again and slumped back in my seat, realizing I probably shouldn't say that because it sounded crazy...I sounded crazy.

"Since this case...from what I've read and now so different, what did Mr. McCann do to you?" She asked, then adding, "If you don't mind me asking."

My eyes moved away, remembering our most recent time together. I could never tell anyone that we kissed, or that I started falling for him. "Well...I do mind you asking," I decided to stand up to leave. "But he never tried hurting me," I concluded, turning around and leaving.

I understand everyone is going through standard procedure, and that usually after someone's been kidnapped they've been hurt physically or at least mentally, but my situation was different. I wasn't harmed, mentally or physically, and I don't want to make his chances worse.  I couldn't say terrible things about him in court when he didn't treat me terribly. All of this is of course if he gets caught, and maybe he won't. He doesn't usually.

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