Day 14

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Today when Jason walked in, I was ready for him. I was sitting up in my bed, planning on what I was going to say to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he came in, one of his workers handing me my tray. I started eating as Jason slowly walked over and sat at the end of my bed.

I looked up at him, stopping from eating. "What?"

Jason shook his head. "You're just...completely fine..."

"Should I not be?" I questioned.

"Well, you've never really been...comfortable being here. It's just weird."

"I thought about yesterday with our talk, specifically what you said, and I could have reacted many different ways and chose one of the worst ways..."

He started to cut me off, "You had every right..."

"No. Let me finish," I stopped him. I took a breath, getting to the point. "Can we walk around? Just a little?"

Jason stared at me, unsure what to say. Hw sucked in his lips, looking away as he thought. After a moment, he turned back to me. "Just yesterday you wanted out, and now after a conversation you suddenly don't and expect me to just let you roam?" He questioned.

"With you. And just for a little bit. I've been locked in here for...a few weeks I think..."

"Two weeks," he chimed in.

I have a nod. "Two weeks...I've been stuck in here, doing nothing. And I know you said your environment was holding you back, so I wanted to" I trailed off, hoping he wouldn't explode.

Jason huffed. "How many times do I have to tell you not to help me?! You're not treating me anymore, and I don't need..." Jason froze as my eyes widened. He closed his eyes, turning around and grabbing his hair in frustration. He took a moment to take a deep breath before facing me again. "You don't need to fix me, you don't even need to help me," he said in a softened voice.

I stared at him, surprised he was able to control himself. I responded cautiously, "I know I don't need to...but I want to. And I think a part of you wants me to help too."

Jason kept his eyes on me, the intensity fading away. "Don't...don't put that on me..." he said, almost asking. "We can take a walk...but don't try anything. You have to stay by my side, and listen to everything I say, got it?"

I quickly nodded without hesitation. I was finally getting out of this room, even if it were only for a few minutes.

"Finish eating," he pointed to my food.  I couldn't keep back the grin that formed as I went back to eating.

"Ready to go?" Jason asked once I was done eating.  I held my hands out, nodding. Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"The handcuffs?" I reminded him.

"You said you wouldn't try anything, right?" He questioned.


"And...I can trust you...right?"

I stared at him, wondering if he would actually trust me, especially knowing his past.  I slowly nodded, "Right."

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