Alternative Ending

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-15 years later-

I prepared dinner by chopping tomatoes to make my own sauce, the pasta currently cooking. I could hear the tv softly in the background, glancing up every now and then to watch from the kitchen.

I heard the door open and I stopped what I was doing to quickly looking over. "Something smells good," Zack smiled at me, closing the door behind him.

I sighed with a small grin, "The only thing cooking right now is pasta, I haven't even started the sauce yet," I informed him, catching his lie.

"Well, maybe I'm just a psychic and can already smell how good your sauce will be," he bent down to kiss me.

I pulled away, chuckling. "Or maybe you're just failing to give me a compliment," I looked back down at my tomato and continued to chop.

"So what is it? Spaghetti?" he asked, examining the mess I had started to make.

"Yeah, although I was thinking of adding some more things to the sauce, like mushrooms zucchini?" I phrased as more of a question to make sure he was alright with it.

Zack shrugged, "Sure, you're the chef. If you're cooking, you choose what you do with it. AS long as it's not poison," he joked, making me playfully roll my eyes but let out a small laugh.

"I wouldn't tell you if I did," I pointed out. Zack playfully grabbed his neck, making me laugh. His jokes were dumb, but that's why I loved them.

My laughter died down once the tv caught my attention. "There was an explosion at what was believed to be a building owned by the infamous Jason McCann. The cause is said to be the manufacturing of drugs gone wrong. 4 bodies have already been found so far..."

"I'll turn it off," Zack spoke up, walking to the tv.

"It's just news," I said, although I felt as if I was in some sort of trance. My lips were moving, but my body could not.

"You know it's not," he turned it off before walking back to me. "We don't need the tv on anyway." I slowly nodded, looking down at the tomato but unable to move my hands. All I could think about was the explosion. Was Jason there? "Are you okay?" Zack asked.

I nodded, "Yeah...I'm fine." I jumped at the sound of my timer going off, letting me know the pasta was down. I took a deep breath, setting the knife down.

"Katie..." Zack called, but I just walked to the stove. I grabbed the pot that was suddenly a lot heavier than it was earlier, making my hands shake until I dropped it. I jumped back, the hot water hitting my feet. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain as I heard Zack yell. "Get away from there," he lifted me and carried me to one of the chairs. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I was breathing heavily, trying to calm down from the scare. "Yeah, it just burned my feet a bit. I'm okay though," I assured.

"How about you take a break form here," Zack suggested.

"I have to clean up the noodles," I stood up, but Zack put his arm in front of me.

"I've got it, don't worry," he said.


"You should go put your feet in the bath," he interrupted.

"It's not that bad..."

"Just in case. I'll take care of things down here, okay?" he placed his hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eyes. I sighed, finally nodding. Zack then picked me up, to my surprise, and carried me over to the bathroom in our bedroom.

"Zack, I'm fine! You don't have to carry me!" I told him, but he only set me down once we were in the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bathtub, raising an eyebrow.

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