Day 9

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I walked into work, Theresa looking up at me with wide eyes as soon as I did.

"Oh my gosh, it's about time you got here!" She exclaimed.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?  I come in at the same time everyday."

"Yeah but I've been trying to contact you all morning!  One of your patients is hurt!" Theresa informed me.

Now my eyes widened and I got worried. Which one?  How?  Was it Jason?  "Wait, what?  Who?"

"Nick Valentino," she read off the computer.

"Nick?"  I questioned, a bit surprised. Though he is unstable. "What happened?"

"All they know is he was in the bathroom today and was yelling.  When the police walked in they saw blood and cuts on his arms with a broken mirror. They haven't looked at the footage yet, they just rushed in to medical care and now he's waiting to see you," she explained.

I started panicking and quickly dropped my things off at my desk before going to my therapy room. I didn't have to wait long for them to bring Nick in, no handcuffs due to his damaged and bandaged arms.

"Hello, Nick," I nodded to him. I noticed a patch under his eye as well. "I understand you were hurt this morning."

"No kidding! Both my arms and my cheek were and still are bleeding! I'm pretty sure my eye will be bruised too!" He snapped.

I took deep breaths, knowing this was a normal reaction. "From what I've heard, it wasn't too serious and you got lucky. I know you don't want to be in here but self harm is..."

"Self harm?" He cut me off.

"Yes..." I trailed off.

"You think this was self harm? You think I did this to myself?!" He exclaimed.

"Well, I had a hunch..."

"Well, you were wrong! I told you I don't belong here, I wouldn't do this to myself!" He yelled.

I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head. "But Theresa told me the mirror in the bathroom was broken and your arms were bleeding. I was confused about your eye when you walked in but I just assumed you did it," I explained my thoughts to him.

"I'm not suicidal, if that's what you're hinting at."

"Well, if you didn't do it, who did?" I asked him, pulling my pen and paper out. Whoever did this would need to be spoken to today, and I would need proof of course.

"I'll tell you who did it. It was that kid!" Nick answered.

"Kid? Who are you talking about?" Maybe he really was crazy. I started writing down these thoughts when Nick replied.

"Jason McCann."

I dropped my pen and looked up at Nick. "Jason did this?"

Nick nodded. "Yeah, attacked me when it was just us two. Cornered me, yelled some things at me, then started beating me," he explained.

"What was he yelling?"

Nick sigh, shrugging. "I don't know, I was mostly scared."

"Can you remember any words or phrases?" I pushed.

Nick sat there, thinking. "Just things like "back off" and "don't touch her...or him". Something like that."

I sat up straight in my seat, looking away and thinking. "Well... I'll watch the security footage later, and I have a meeting with him today as well," I told Nick, writing this info down. "And don't worry about Jason. I'll have the guards keep an eye on you the rest of the day and Jason as well," I assured him.

Mack came in shortly after and grabbed Nick, me following them out and to my desk. That took up my first meeting this morning and I had a few minutes until my next one. In that time I went on my computer and looked up our security footage to find the video from this morning.

I finally found it and watched as Nick was washing his hands and then Jason walking in. There was talking but I didn't have the access to hear it on my device.  Nick stepped forward and said something to Jason, not looking happy. That's when Jason snapped and punched him in the face, taking him by the shirt and slamming him against the wall, and some of the mirror.  Nick was trying to get him off, but for someone as young as Jason, he was strong. Or Nick was weak. Either way, Jason threw him to the ground and picked up some glass, using it scratch Nick's arms. He lifted his hand to stab him, but stopped and looked towards the door before throwing the glass down and making a run for it. Nick was left lying there and probably screaming before police came in.

I stopped the tape and just say that, mortified. I had never seen something so graphic and real, and it shook me up. I knew Jason had done terrible things, but seeing it myself was different. It gave me a different view on him, and I was definitely scared now.

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