Day 17

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This morning there wasn't too much talk between Jason and I. I sat and ate my breakfast as Jason intensely discussed something with one of the gang members. I tried not to look or listen, but I couldn't help myself. My eyes would find their way to Jason in quick but frequent glances, and I picked up on some words but couldn't hear too much as they were being discrete.

As it was bound to happen, Jason caught one of my glances and I immediately focused on my food. Jason sent the member away before looking at me. "Enjoying your food?" I gave a grin along with a nod, knowing that Jason saw me staring and just trying to move past it. "Well, once you're done I have a surprise for you."

I stopped eating now, curiosity taking over. "Surprise?" I questioned.

Jason chuckled. "Yes, a surprise...after you're done eating."

"What kind of surprise?"

"You'll like it, just keep eating," he said, standing up and starting to leave.

"What if I'm done eating?" I implied, pushing my plate away from me.

Jason shook his head, pushing the plate back as he walked towards me. "You're not." He then walked past me and away to work, probably to continue whatever he was doing with that member.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat, a smile creeping on my lips. If Jason had told me he had a surprise a month ago, or even a week ago, I would have been scared. But now? I'm just excited to know what it could possibly be.

"So, you're not going to give me any hints?" I asked as Jason led me to my surprise.

"Why would I give you a hint when you're about to see it in two seconds?" Jason responded, stopping in front of a door.

I glanced from him, to the door, and back. "You've already shown me this room..."

"Well, I think you should take a second look."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confusion written all over my face. I reached for the doorknob, looking back at Jason again to see if this was a joke or something. He just motioned for me to open the door, so I did.

When I opened the door, rather than light coming in through the window, it was dark. I heard Jason flick the switch from beside me to turn the light on, and then I truly froze. I don't know how long I stood there, but I couldn't help but stare and...take everything in.

I slowly walking further in before turning around to face Jason who was just watching me. "It' exact replica of my therapy room at the prison..." I trailed off. There was the same desk in the middle of the room, the same cabinet in the corner, the same pictures was all the same. "H-how? Why?"

Jason now started to walk towards me. "Well, getting the furniture wasn't too difficult because there wasn't too much, and I easily had some of the gang go back to grab some of your stuff like the pictures," he started to explain, then making his way over to the desk. "As for always talk about loving and missing your job, and I...didn't exactly hate going so..." He then sat down on the same side, in the same chair, as he use to.

I stared at him for a moment, realizing what he was saying. I slowly made my way to the desk, feeling odd as it was the same, but not exactly. I sat down across from Jason, just looking at what was on the desk-a pen, a file, and even my notebook. I finally looked up at Jason.

"Why not start where we left off?"

Hundreds of emotions were running through me as I filled, well, surprise. A side thought occurred to me though. "Wait, this was your favorite room."

Jason nodded. "Yeah."

"You liked it because it was was the only room that was empty, how could you just change that? It was where you went for peace and quiet and to just...think."

"I know! And it's still a room I can come to for peace, quiet, and thinking...just in a different way."


"Look," he stopped me before I could continue. "I have plenty of rooms in here for myself, not to mention other properties with even more rooms for myself. I figured I could spare one for you," he explained.

"'re serious? This is real?" I asked.

"100% real," he confirmed.

I couldn't help but smile as I was now filled with excitement and joy. I covered my mouth, unable to process. "I...I don't...thank you!" I felt at a loss of words.

Jason grinned back at me and nodded. "Oh! And another thing!" He jumped up and came to my side. "Open the drawers."

I chuckled, seeing him get a bit excited. I opened the top drawer and saw a whole bunch of stress relievers, different colors and shapes as Jason mentioned when I gave him one. I laughed, looking at Jason who took one.

"Honestly, I missed having one of these," He tossed it up once, then putting it back in the drawer and sitting on the desk. He was actually smiling, and that made me smile. "I think some of the other guys will like them too."

"Some of the other guys?" I questioned.

"You didn't think I was going to be your only patient, did you?"

I raised my eyebrows, realizing just how serious Jason was now. "I'll actually be treating people?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I have thousands of gang members who have seen and been through a lot, even before they were in the gang. I've already posted something about it and some have signed up for some sessions. You can work out a schedule of course as long..." Jason paused, giving me a look. I now realized it was because I was staring at him smiling. "What?"

I shook my head. "It's just...I can't believe you did all of this for me. The room was one thing, but...setting up actual appointments for me?"

Jason shrugged. "This is your home too...I want you to see it that way. I want it to really feel that way."

I stood up and softly grabbed each side of Jason's face, staring for a moment before leaning in and kissing him. When I pulled away, anxiety grew inside of me as I realized what I had just done. I stepped back and then turned around.

There was silence, as I think both of us were just speechless and...full of surprises today. We had kissed before, but this was different. This time, I initiated the kiss, me. And I felt more than just a few butterflies and attraction for Jason, I truly felt something.

"Um...I have work to'll be downstairs..." Jason trailed off, quickly leaving the room. I don't think I've ever once seen him flustered, making this kiss even more divergent than before.

I looked around the room, in need of a lot of processing. The room may be the same, but the circumstances were completely different now.

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