Day 14

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I sat in my room, staring straight ahead at the blank wall in front of me. I had nothing else to do at the moment, or really ever.

The door opened and I looked over, brightening up when I saw Jason taking off his mask and walking over to me. I smiled, hugging him. "I'm so glad to see you, these people think I'm crazy but they're the ones driving me crazy," I said, pulling away.

Jason gave a small grin. "Stockholm Syndrome is it?" he questioned, in which I nodded. "You know, I looked in to that."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused on why he would. "Really?"

"Yeah...a prisoner having sympathy for the person who took them..." he trailed off, looking down. "I didn't know they had a name for that...or that it was actually a thing."

I shook my head. "It's rare, I mean so rare that these people think I have it because I don't hate you!"

Jason grew silent, backing away. "Well...aren't they...right?" he asked, looking up.

My grin faded as Jason was serious. "What?"

"I mean...I kidnapped you and...locked you away, took your freedom and...and you still like me?"

I gave him a confused look. "Jason, there's more to Stockholm Syndrome than just having feelings for someone who took you. There's also pain, abuse, torture, and just an overall twisted mind to the never did anything to hurt me in any way. Sure, you kidnapped me but...there was no harm involved!"

"You may feel that way now, but once they get you thinking straight you might realize what I've really done!"

Part of me felt a bit hurt by his words, unable to believe he was even saying this. "Once they get me thinking straight?" I questioned.

Jason now realized just what he said, shaking his head. "That's not what I meant! I just...I don't want you getting into trouble and then end up regretting it!" he defended.

"But you promised!" I yelled, a little too loud and I instantly lowered it. Jason stared at me, at a loss for words. "I'm already thinking straight," I whispered now. "I fell for you because you wanted me to be happy, not because I felt I needed to survive." Jason looked away, still seeming to be unsure. I stood up now to get closer to him, moving his head so he was looking at me. "This reaction alone proves my care."

He took my hands and removed them. "I just don't want to ruin your life," he said softly. "You're back in the real world, you have a chance to have your old life back, just like you wanted."

"I'm trapped just like I was with you...except this time the people are trying to...fix me when I'm not broken!" I quickly countered. "Besides, I don't want that anymore," I said, making Jason take a turn at being confused. "My life will never be like it was...but I don't want it to be...I was all alone and going through the same cycle everyday, even my job got boring sometimes" I explained to him. When he didn't seem quite convinced, I thought of what else to add. "You said you want me to be happy...and those last few days at your house I was...because of you. You make me happy, Jason."

Jason stared down, taking my hands and just holding them for a minute as he thought. "You know when you were treating me...and you kept trying to get me to think of something that made me happy?" he reminded softly.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, unsure why he was bringing this up.

"Well...I thought of you..." his eyes moved up to meet mine. "You're my happy thought." I smiled, stepping on my toes and gently pressing my lips on his for a simple but meaningful kiss. When I pulled back, I continued to stare at him, a grin on his lips now. "Are you sure you want to come with me?" he whispered.


Jason locked his eyes onto mine, making sure I was serious and my mind was set. "Okay...I'll be back in a few days, in the middle of the night of course so I can easily sneak you out. Just wait it out until then, got it?"

I nodded. "Got it," I understood, a grin creeping up on my face. I was getting out of here.

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