Day 1

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My first real day trapped in Jason's house prison was strange, and even a bit scary. I felt powerless and small, and all I wanted to do was be back in my apartment with familiar surroundings and the freedom I once had. As I thought about it, I could see why Jason wanted to leave the prison so bad. Yeah, he wanted to continue doing his deviant duties, but he also wanted his freedom back again and to just be somewhere he didn't feel trapped. But if that's true, then why was he treating me the same way? Revenge? To make me feel the same pain he did? Because no matter what he says he isn't doing this for me.

I got out of bed and stood in the middle of the room. While it was nicer than my own apartment, I would still rather be there. I analyzed every corner and looked for any way out. I found myself returning to the balcony the most, knowing it was locked but thinking about breaking it. How high up was I? Could I jump out? It was hard to see, but I did see tree branches. Would I be able to get out that way?

I looked in the drawers to see if there was anything like a bobby pin that I could use to unlock the back door. I knew there was no chance getting out the front with all of the security. Outside was my best way. Every drawer I opened though had nothing. No bobby pins, no keys, not even simple things like clothes or a toothbrush. Jason must have thought this through before hand. It made me wonder if he had ever kept other people in here before. I thought back to his files and remembered seeing a few kidnappings that resulted in...murder. I gasped, feeling an even bigger sense to escape. I guess that's why Jason had taken me.I ran across the room to start over my search, throwing drawers out and moving furniture. I passed a mirror and froze as I stared at myself. I've never seen myself in such condition, it was almost shocking. I had dark circles under my eyes, my face was pale, and my hair was a mess. My eyes brightened as I thought of that. My hair was a mess. I usually have my hair pinned in some way, there must be a bobby pin somewhere in my hair!I started running my fingers through my hair, searching for just one bobby pin. I rejoiced as I felt one tangled in the back of my head, slowly taking it out. I smiled, rushing to the back door and inserting the pin. I started twisting and digging the pin in the lock, hoping for a click and turn. To my surprise, I was successful and the door opened. But immediately after it did an alarm went off. I jumped, my heart pounding against my chest as I looked back at my door that was now opened as multiple guards ran through. I decided I had nothing to lose if I was going to die in here already and ran out onto the balcony. I started climbing up on the rail and reached to the tree branch sticking out, but being yanked down to the balcony again.

I screamed, kicking and trying to get out of the grip. Two guards took each of my arms though as others blocked the balcony and I was taken back into the room. There were guards moving back the furniture I had moved and placing everything back the way it was. Another went behind to lock and secure the balcony door again and others held the door opened and stood watching as Jason entered.

His eyes met mine as he came closer and I noticed I was shaking and on the verge of crying. My hair was partly in my face, but I could clearly see Jason. I could tell he noticed my reaction as he studied me. "I brought you with me for a better life. To not have any cares or worries and to have anything you want! And you try to escape?" He questioned, stepping closer. I gulped, not believing what he was saying. I'm trapped and isolated, how is this anything I want when all I want is my old life back? All he wanted to do is make me suffer and then eventually kill me like the rest of his victims. "Maybe things will be rough to adjust to, but you'll see I'm doing this for you!" he yelled.Jason stepped forward again and I tried stepping back, but I was stopped by the guards who held me in place. I twisted to get the guards to let go and tried moving back, but their grips tightened and held me in place. My breath was loud and shaking as Jason leaned forward so he was inches away from my face. "Don't run belong to me now..." He whispered. I felt hot and tears threatened to spill. I softly shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut as I looked down. I tried taking deep breaths to calm myself, but found it nearly impossible. A tear rolled down my cheek and I accidentally let out a soft cry.

There was silence, but I could still feel Jason's presence in front of me. I was unsure if he was watching me, or what he was doing at all other than standing there. But we stood there like this for a few minutes. I finally got the courage to look up at him, and he immediately looked away. He had been staring the whole time, and I hope he felt bad as he watched what he was doing to me.

He looked back at me and this time kept eye contact. It was the longest time we locked eyes since he kidnapped me, and I could see he felt bad. He took a breath and looked down before speaking. "Make sure everything's locked. I want another guard standing right outside of her door from now on and hourly check ups, got it?" Jason ordered his men as he turned to face the majority of them. All of them agreed and obeyed, leaving the room and me by myself.

I just stood there and processed what had just happened. I almost escaped, I felt the breeze from outside. I felt the freedom I didn't have. I shook my head, burying my head in my hands as I collapsed to my knees and broke into tears in the middle of the room. I really was trapped and there was no way out.

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