Day 18

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I heard a soft clicking sound coming from the door, almost as if someone was opening it. It couldn't be morning though, the lights were still off, no announcement was made, it was just silent and dark. I waited a moment and listened as someone moved, the steps becoming louder and louder.

"Katie?" a voice whispered.

I lay there, wondering if it was who I thought. "Jason?" I responded.

"Shhh! Quiet," he quickly warned.

I turned around and sat up, seeing Jason standing there, or really his figure since it was dark. I glanced over at the clock that read 3 in the morning. "What are you..."

"We have to be quick, the security camera's can only be out for like ten minutes before an emergency setting turns on," he interrupted, trying to be fast.

I shook my head. "Wait, wait, I have to talk to you."

"You can tell me in the helicopter, we have to go!" he grabbed my hand, but I pulled away. He stooped and gave me a strange look.

"Just...listen honest with me," I told him. He just nodded in response and let me talk. "These last couple of days have been...eye opening to me," I started, preparing myself for what could come. "My therapist has actually talked things through with me, and I've actually opened up. You know I went through a lot of things when you first took me, and I had issues even before then. But to actually talk about them...and to have someone's just...helped me..." I trailed off, cautiously because I was unsure how Jason would react.

He took a moment to say anything, and when he did it was soft. Not just in volume, but the way he said it. "Are you want to stay?"

"I...I don't know..."

"You don't know?" he repeated, confused. I understand why, because I am too.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying," I confirmed.

"But...just a few days ago you were begging me to get you out of here! Now, you're not sure you want to go?" he sounded frustrated, his voice raising a bit but still a whisper as he paced now.

"I know it's all messed up, but it's just what I'm thinking! I don't want to do something I'll end up regretting!" I tried explaining.

Jason paused now. "Regret? You can't regret because in that moment that's what you wanted, that's what you decided. You chose that for a reason,"

"That's easier to say when you're not in the middle of a decision," I pointed out.

He scoffed. "Not in the middle of a decision? You think coming here to get you was easy? I'm risking myself, my men, and even you just to get you out of here, you think that was an easy decision?" he questioned.

"Well I...I thought...this was your idea! I never asked you to come back!" I snapped.

"But you sure did beg when I did," he snapped back.

I couldn't help but feel a little hurt, did he think I depended on him? That I needed him? I don't want him thinking that I needed him to come rescue me because I'm some helpless girl. It made me think back to what Dr. Perkins said, that Jason only wanted me to satisfy himself. At least that what it sounds like now, that I need him, and I was just his choice at the time. "Do you love me?" I blurted out, my heart racing as I couldn't take it back. But I was curious all the same.

"What?" Jason asked, taken aback.

"I know you heard me," I said, already scared because of what he could say.

Jason fumbled over his words, then shaking his head. "We don't have time for this, there's only three minutes left!"

"It takes a second to answer me."

"It also takes a second to get caught," he avoided the question.

I huffed, "Just answer the question!"

"I can't!" I raised his voice now. My eyes widened in fear that someone actually heard. He realized it as well, lowering it once again as he repeated himself, "I can't give you an answer."

It stung. A lot. At first it was because now I know Dr. Perkins and everyone else here was right, but then it sunk in that he didn't love me. And I knew by how much it hurt that I loved him. "Well then I guess I've made my decision now."

Jason stood there a moment, "Wait..."

"Go Jason..." I turned away, feeling my eyes tear up.

"Katie, listen..." I felt him grab my hand again, but I pulled away.

"Go!" I interrupted, louder this time. I then let out a shaky breath. "Before your time runs out and you get caught..."

There was a deep silence now as we both stood there. Then Jason whispered, "If that's what you want."

He waited for me to respond, and I just quickly nodded. "Yes."

There was more silence, but then I heard his footsteps and the door open and shut. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to trap tears but they slipped out anyway. He's gone.

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