Day 13

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I sat in a corner in the recreational room, just waiting for my time to run out.  Some patients were playing games like ping ping, cards, board games, etc. while others talked to each other.  I had no friends in here, nor did I want to play any games.  Especially after hearing that other patients knew who I was, I don't think they wanted to be my friend either.

"Hi, Katie right?" Quinn from yesterday sat across from me.

"Yeah, you're Quinn?" I checked.

She nodded.  "Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you since you didn't share much yesterday and then left in the middle of the meeting."

I raised my eyebrows at the sound of condescension in her tone.  "Uh...okay?"

"I want you to know that you aren't alone, all of the girls in that room know what you're going through."

I squinted my eyes, extremely doubtful.  "I don't think anyone knows what I'm going through...or what I went through," I tried saying kindly.

"Trust me, I felt that way at first too.  The whole loving your abductor thing, it's exciting!  And you even feel like a chosen one, don't you?" she questioned.

"That's...not exactly it..." I trailed off, wondering what she was actually doing here now.

She looked me up and down.  "I hope not...because it's ridiculous.  You aren't a chosen one, you're no better than any of us here."

I felt uneasy now as her voice deepened a bit and she almost...seethed?  "Look, I never said I was, and I don't want any trouble..."

"Good!  Because there's a reason you're here.  You're just as crazy as the rest of us," she leaned in towards me.  "And Jason McCann?  He doesn't love you...he just needed another play thing."

I stood now, my temper rising.  "You don't know anything about my situation so...I'm just going to leave," I excused myself, starting to walk away until she grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "What the..."

"You can't run from everything!  Is that why you're different?  Did you run away with him?" Quinn asked, or rather accused.

"N-no, of course not..."

"You feel empty, unloved, don't you?  Can't handle it?" she continued.

I snapped my arm out of her grip, glaring at her.  She's playing mind games, or trying to.  What she must have forgotten was I'm a psychologist, and I can play too.  And better.  "Why are you so interested in me?" I asked her.

"Interested in you?"

"Yes.  You came over and keep talking about and questioning me, why is that?"  I tilted my head and channeled my psychologist side.

Quinn's patronizing look slowly faded as I took charge now.  "I...I just want you to know you're not superior."

I gave a nod.  "Okay...and I told you I didn't feel that way.  So why continue?  And why accuse me of such...big deeds?"

"I...I don't...I don't..."

"Don't know why?" I finished her sentence, raising an eyebrow.  "Because I think I do.  Did you have trouble with girls your age when you were younger?"

She stared at me, now lost.  "Maybe..."

"Were you bullied?  Did they make you feel powerless?"

"Um...what does that have to do with anything?" she asked, trying to stand her ground.

I stepped forward though.  "Well you see, I've learned that when people project their problems on other people, it usually stems from their past," I said, taking another step forward, making Quinn take a step back.  "And you coming over here and telling me I'm not superior, trying to make me feel small...I hypothesize is because the tables were turned on you and someone made you feel that way.  Am I correct?"

Quinn just stood there, no words forming as she just stared at me.  I could even sense some fear from her, but I grinned. "Mind games aren't fun on the other side are they?"  When she still had nothing to say, I leaned forward like she did earlier to me.  "Maybe next time don't play against someone who has a PhD in the study of the human mind."

I then turned around and walked away, glancing at the clock as I did and seeing it was about time for me to leave anyway.  I'm already stuck here, I don't need to be patronized by other patients as well.

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