Day 19

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My eyes fluttered open and I had a pounding headache.  I groaned, reaching to my head but being stopped.  I furrowed my eyebrows and pulled, not being able to.  I looked over at my hand and saw it chained to the wall, restricting me from moving.  I took now to scan the room I was in, but saw there wasn't much to it.  It was small, empty, and there was a door with no handle on the inside.  I was sitting on a bench, my hands and feet chained.

I started to panic, feeling it hard to breathe.  I grew worried and my anxiety grew.  I could feel the attack coming and that worried me even more.  "Hello?" I called, but with little hope.  "Hello?" I repeated, knowing someone had to be here.  I at least needed some answers.  Where was I?  How long was I out?  Why am I here?

My head snapped towards the door as noise came from outside.  A second later, it opened and revealed a tall, masked man dressed in black.  He dropped off a tray of food beside me and then started heading out again.

"Wait!  Don't go!  I need help!  Where am I?  Hello!" I rambled but with no luck.  I sighed, sitting back.

I looked down at the food, reminding me of my old school lunches.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and a carton of milk.  I stared at it, not feeling very hungry, quite the opposite.  I felt sick to my stomach, like I was going to vomit any second.  I couldn't tell if it was nerves, or just me.

I felt myself being tilted back and the sick feeling worsened.  I felt like I did the one time I rode a plane.  My parents and I were going to Disney World, but I threw up after being on the plane for about an hour.  This felt the same, and I was holding back the best I could.  Did this mean I was on a plane?  Going where?  Now I had even more questions with no answers.

I couldn't take it any longer, leaning forward and closing my eyes.  I felt like i wanted to cry, and now I had a horrible taste in my mouth as well.

The door opened a few seconds later, two men like the last came in.  one took my tray of food and the other starting to clean up what I just released.  They wore the same mask, but another figure was standing in the doorway.  He had a different mask.  All the other men wore black masks with no mouth, but this one was like the Phantom of the Opera.

When the two black masked men left, this one stepped forward.  I stared at him, my heart racing as he got closer and sat beside me.  I moved away the best I could as he reached out to me.  He then reached up and took the mask off, making me gasp.  A bunch of different emotions ran through me.  Surprise, relief, confusion, but still a hint of fear.

"Jason?" I said softly.

He grinned at me.  "Are you okay?  I didn't expect you would throw up."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.  "I'm chained to a wall with no idea how long, why, or where I am.  And you're asking if I'm okay because I threw up?" I questioned.

Jason shook his head.  "Look, I know you're confused now but let's deal with one thing at a time.  Are you okay?" he repeated the question.

"You tell me...what's going on?" I asked him.  Jason raised his eyebrows, waiting for a real answer.  I sighed, looking down.  "I'm fine.  I just felt airsick...are we in the air?"

Jason nodded.  "Yes, we're in my private jet.  I didn't know you got airsick."

"I bet you didn't know I have anxiety either."

He furrowed his eyebrows.  "You have anxiety? never..."

"I take pills for it!" I interrupted, closing my eyes and shaking my head.  I was beyond anxious right now, but Jason's presence was helping.  He was familiar, and I was actually comfortable with him.

"Well...I can have someone get you pills if you really need them."

"What I need are some answers!" I snapped, surprising Jason.  He's never seen me like this.  I've always been the calm one who tries to help him.  Now roles were reversed and both of us had no idea how to deal with it.  "What happened back at the prison?  I kept hearing sounds, security cameras weren't working, and I was taken within minutes!"

"Those were my men.  I had told you that something was going to happen, and I was making my escape that night," Jason explained.

"That night?  What time is it now?  What day is it now?  How long have I been out?" I started rambling again.

"One question at a time!" Jason snapped, getting angry.  I jumped, consciously moving away.  Both of us noticed and Jason took a moment to recollect.  I was surprised he had done so, but totally okay with it.  "It's almost noon and it's only a day later.  You've been out for about twelve hours, most of it due to sleep actually."

My eyes moved downward.  "Oh...well...where are we going?"

"To my house...well, one of them.  It's hidden and pretty far away, so we'll be flying the rest of the day.  Do you think you'll be sick again?"

I shook my head.  "I don't think so.  I'm pretty sure there's nothing left in my stomach to throw up," I admitted.

"You have to eat something.  I can get something easier on your stomach like soup.  I'm pretty sure we have chicken noodle..."

"I can't eat that," I cut him off.

"Why not?  You don't like it?  I have clam chowder, or cream of mushroom, or I might have some broccoli cheddar..." he trailed off as he thought.

"I can't eat any of those," I told him.

Jason sighed.  "Look, I know you don't want to throw up but you need to eat something..." he raised his voice, getting angry.

My eyes widened in fear.  "I'm vegan!" I exclaimed, wanting him to stop.  As predicted, he did.  "Um...I don't eat animal products...s-so I don't eat meat, o-or cheese, or eggs..." I stuttered.

Surprisingly, Jason chuckled.  "Of course you would be against animal abuse and anything that could harm them."  I grinned, looking down.  "I think there's vegetable soup.  Would that be better?"

I nodded.  "Yeah...thank you."

Jason nodded back, standing up and walking out the door.  I sat there, hundreds of questions still in my mind but feeling a little better.  I'll deal with what I have for now, knowing that I was at least safe for now.

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