Day 2

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I gave a small smile to the psychologist as I walked in for my evaluation the next day. I was luckily able to sleep at my apartment last night...but my parents felt the need to sleep there as well. They never let their eyes off of me and even drove me here. They're outside waiting at the moment.

"Hello, Katie Hartford am I correct?" he asked.

I nodded as I sat down across from him. "Yes, and you're Dr. Kregg?"

He smiled. "That is correct. I specialize in patients who have been through traumatic events, and I'm here to help you cope with any symptoms you may have. Today we're just going to explore what those symptoms are," he explained.

"Well...I wouldn't exactly call my experience traumatic, I'm not traumatized. Um...but I feel fine today." I started off, receiving an odd look from Dr. Kregg. "I'm also a psychologist, I know how these things go," I added.

Dr. Kregg nodded. "Right! I looked through your file a little bit. It was that job that got you in this situation, correct? You were treating Mr. McCann?"

"Yes, I specialize in treating prisoners," I further elaborated.

"And since you were treating Mr. McCann, I'm sure you saw his file. You were not the first person he abducted."

I cringed at that word. "Um...can we refrain from using the word...abducted?"

Dr. Kregg raised his eyebrows. "Of course, I can see how it can be quite sensitive for you and I apologize. Is there another word you would like to use?"

I shrugged, not knowing a good word myself. "How about just...took. He took me, it doesn't sound as harsh," I suggested.

" did Mr. McCann show any signs of wanting to...take you? Or even escape? I'm sure all of your patients are wanting to escape, but did he specifically tell you of any plans or hint that something may happen?"

I thought back to before it all happened, and it seemed so long ago. After a moment of recalling, I replied, "Jason told me he was going to escape the same day he did...I remember because I was surprised he had told me, and I tried talking him out of it."

"Jason?" Dr. Kregg questioned, referring to my use of his first name.

I nodded. "Yes, Jason. That's what I've always called him," I confirmed.

Dr. Kregg nodded as well, writing something down. "And, why didn't you tell anyone? About...Jason's plan to escape?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, unable to answer that myself. I couldn't get myself to tell someone, and even Jason knew I wouldn't be able to. "I...I don't know...I guess I wasn't sure if he would really do it. I mean, if he was really going to do it, it made no sense to tell me," I kept thinking about that day and what Jason had said. "I guess he really trusted me..." I trailed off.

Dr. Kregg wrote more things down before continuing. "And now...can you tell me about your time there? Where did he keep you, what did he feed you, what did he have you did he treat you?" My eyes widened at the sudden burst of questions, unsure where to even start. Dr. Kregg noticed and restarted, "How did you feel?"

"I was...confused...and scared, at least when it all started."

"And what about when you had been there for did your feelings change?"

I sat there, searching for the right words to describe how I felt, but I had felt so many different things that I couldn't choose just once emotion. "Um...I guess, more confusion? Suspicion at times...but I got to point where I wasn't scared anymore, it was just...normal."

"Define normal, how that was for you."

I bit the inside of my cheek and looked up, not sure what to say. The whole thing was indescribable, and it almost hurt to think back to certain parts of it. "Well...I think once I wasn't locked in my room it really started to feel normal. I wasn't trapped anymore."

"Excuse me...your room? Can you elaborate?"

"Oh, yeah um...Jason gave me my own room but had me locked in there until he could trust me to not run away. It was a nice room though, better than the one at my apartment actually."

Dr. Kregg started writing again, but he looked more concentrated. I tried reading him, or what he was writing, but I couldn't. "Okay...well...I...I think I would like to schedule another session with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why? I think I've shown that I'm perfectly fine, can't we just leave it at that?" I asked, not wanting to share my experience.

"I just want to do a follow up, your case is very...unique. I just need to do some more research and think of more questions so I can further evaluate you," he explained.

I gave him a weird look, unsure why he needed further evaluation. I didn't show signs of PTSD, depression, or anything I didn't before. I shook my head though, letting it go. It was just one more session and then this would be done with. "Okay, but I can't come back in tomorrow, I have to speak with police."

"How about Wednesday? 4:00?"

"Sure," I shrugged, standing up. "See you then," I sighed, leaving the room. My parents were of course there waiting, smiling and starting to talk about getting food or something, but I just tuned them out. They didn't give me attention before, I think I can get away with not paying attention to them for a few minutes. I just wish I could be done with all of this nonsense.

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