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"Get back here with my eyepatch." Nick fury's voice echoed through the large apartment as he raced after a blur of pink. Vienna had stolen his eyepatch once again and ran, giggling, down the hallway. It always took ages for the two to get ready in the morning between Vienna's antics and the time she spent choosing an outfit from her wardrobe filled with an array of puffy princess gowns.

   Vienna had just turned 6 and with a new age came extra energy to cause mischief. Eventually Fury got his eyepatch back, grabbed Vienna's Hello Kitty backpack and vienna. They both made their way down to the garage and hopped in his Tahoe.

   When they reached the Triskelion, both made their way directly to the training center to meet up with today's tutor. There were no goodbyes or goodlucks exchanged between father and daughter for risk of seeming too familiar. After all if any one found out Fury had a daughter it would make him vulnerable and put Vienna in danger. This was the schedule they had had for four years and their schedule they would have for the next two.

     As the years passed Vienna improved exponentially, learning multiple fighting styles and how to use weapons skillfully. Fury brought Phil Coulson in on their secret when Vienna was 6 but refused to trust anyone else with Vienna's confidential parentage.

~July 5th 2004~
Vienna nestled under her covers but despite her efforts couldn't fall asleep. Today had been especially tough in training and her body ached and yearned for rest but her mind was wide awake. Hearing a clatter outside her door, she jumped out of bed and fell into a fighting stance, ready for anything.

     There was silence before a loud bang as her door was kicked in and she was pushed backwards by a large chunk. She scrambled to her feet but was too slow to dodge the needle that was pressed into her neck. Vienna watched drowsily as a yellow liquid was injected into her bloodstream and a metal-armed man hoisted her up and carried her out.

   Vienna tried desperately to yell or fight back but her movements were too slow and everything faded to black.

~One Month Since Vienna Was Taken~
Nick Fury slammed his fist down on his desk as an agent delivered the news that yet another lead went cold. He had been searching for his little girl for a month. 30 days, 4 hours and 37, 38, 39 seconds since he discovered Vienna's empty room and destroyed door.

    He hadn't stopped searching and didn't plan on stopping any time soon. Every STRIKE sent out came back empty handed and Fury was getting more and more frustrated. His mind kept traveling back to that morning, the only morning in 5 years that his eyepatch had been where it was supposed to be, that was when he should have sensed something was missing. Instead he decided to let Vienna sleep in, a reward, for her good behavior in progress in training.

When he finally found out she was taken and discovered that someone had hacked into his advanced security system, he broke down. An agent, sent to see why he wasn't at work, found him in the hallway, panicking. Fury had barely slept since and didn't want to.

    "Sir, perhaps you should try to get some sleep, your being tired doesn't help anyone." Coulson believed he was helping while giving out this advice but it only seemed to make Fury angrier.

   "It could help Vienna, she is gone because of me. They took her to use against me and SHIELD. Why should I get sleep or rest when they've probably been torturing her for the past 4 weeks" Fury spit out the words as though he didn't want to taste or register them.

    "Yes, sir, whatever you need, just let me know. And sir," Coulson paused and Fury looked at him, "I'm here not just as an agent, as a friend."

    Fury nodded his head and felt the smallest bit of weight from his shoulders lift before 10,000 tons of guilt and despair fell onto him. He waved Coulson away and sat down, placing his head in his hands.Taking just a minute of peace before flipping open the files on his desk and diving into the world of possible explanations.

~November 18th 2009~
It had been about 5 years since Vienna was taken and there hadn't been a single lead. Vienna had been declared dead years ago but Fury had never stopped looking. Last night he had decided to stop trying to find hope where there wasn't any.

     The truth about Vienna being Fury's daughter had come out 5 years ago and almost every SHIELD agent had jumped at the chance to help their director but it was no use. Vienna wasn't anywhere to find and wouldn't be. Fury would never stop looking completely but there was no real reason for him to continue.

     For years people had been trying to convince him to move on but he had always had hope and ignored them. But I guess the time had come for him to mourn her and continue with his life, never would he forget her or stop looking but for now he had to. She would have been 13.

Authors Note
Soooo this is like more backstory and a lot of Fury but the first chapter will be all about Vienna and her present life, I'm really excited to get into that. Yayyyyy, I'm super proud that I motivated myself to write this and I am ready to create a world. If you're reading this, thank you, it means a lot and i really hope you enjoy

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