~~part 17~~

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~5 Days Later~
~June 16th 2014~

Vienna stretched as she woke to the sun streaming in her window. She got out of bed and dressed quickly, Clint had invited her to train with him and she was ready to see what the archer could do. She put half of her newly done hair up and left her room. She headed to the kitchen first for breakfast and walked in on the entire team waiting for her. As soon as she walked in she noticed Nat holding a huge stack of waffles covered in fruit with a candle in it. She furrowed her brows as the others yelled out "Happy Birthday!" She looked at them, confused.

Tony stepped forward, "It's your birthday mini Fury, we made waffles."

"I see that, what is it?" She responded

"Your birthday. The anniversary of the day you were born." Bruce spoke up from near STeve.
"Oh, is that today?"Vienna said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, it's today. Do you not know when your birthday is?" Sam asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well Hydra wasn't really the party type, I'm not interested in celebrating. I'm going to the training room." Vienna stated with a sad look on her face before turning around and leaving the room abruptly.

A few seconds after she left Nat said quietly, "She didn't know what her birthday was," her voice turned angry, "they never told her what her birthday is." Then she left the room as well, probably to go punch something. The rest of the team was left in the kitchen wondering how such a small thing made such a large impact.

~Few Weeks Later~
~Avengers Tower~

Vienna was currently alone in the training room. It was 3 in the morning and her nightmares had driven her from her bed. These past few weeks have been great, except for the birthday incident which no one had brought up since. Not knowing her own birthday wasn't a big deal in HYDRA but she guessed it was here. But she had bonded with Fury and the team so that was a positive thing. Even with all the positives the nightmares had not stopped. They weren't as terrifying and usually she slept through them but tonight's was violent. With nowhere else to go Vienna headed for the training room. She had been in here for about an hour and was running on the treadmill.

She was dressed in her black, skintight, leggings and a sports bra. Her braided hair was back in a ponytail. Her scars were on display but everyone else was asleep so she wasn't worried. Tony had given her an ipod filled with his favorite songs and she was listening to it now. She had to admit that the music wasn't exactly her taste, she liked soft songs, his was a lot of hard rock. She didn't care though, the music kept the thoughts out of her head and that was all she really wanted.


Steve couldn't sleep. Ever since Bucky dragged him out of that lake he didnt think about much else other than finding him. They haven't made much progress, not from lack of trying, but it seemed the Winter Soldier really didn't want to be found. Him and Sam had taken a few trips to Europe but hadn't found anything. It wasn't anybody's fault but Steve was beginning to grow anxious that he would never find his best friend. Fortunately they had Vienna, she had given all the information she had and without her they would be even more lost.

Unfortunately though Fury and his daughter were leaving soon. Fury was technically still dead and he had stayed in this country way too long. Neither of them would say where they were going but Steve suspected they would go take down the rest of HYDRA's bases.

He would miss VIenna, she had become a constant presence and he knew the rest of the team would miss her too. Her and Natasha had become best friends over the last couple weeks and he knew her absence would affect Nat. She had also worked with Tony on her official suit, a little gift, and the two had bonded over hacking which they discovered was something else Vienna was exceptional at. Bruce and her spent time together analyzing her test results and she had even gotten him out of his shell a bit. Clint and Sam didn't know her quite as well but all 3 enjoyed sparring together on the regular. Her and Steve had a complicated relationship to put it simply, she hasn't made much of an effort to bond with him but the two gravitated towards each other. They had sparred and she even made him dinner once when she realized he couldn't cook to save his life.

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