~~part 1~~

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~Hydra Headquarters(Somewhere in Russia)~
~June 9th 2012~
Sweat dripped down Vienna's brow as she hooked her legs around her partners neck and slammed him to the ground. She kept a tight hold around his head and locked his arms behind his back.

"Ok, enough, i surrender'" Her partner, known as Peter to her, tapped her thigh and she released him. The Hydra agents had a strict rule of only Russian conversations but there were none around and both Vienna and Peter felt comfortable speaking english. "Ugh, that was brutal, now I have a crick in my neck that will be there for days" Peter complained with a laugh.

"Aww, does the poor assassin have a boo-boo?" Vienna teased him and they smiled at each other as they walked out of the training room and made their way to the dorms. This was the closest Vienna ever got to being happy, Peter was the only constant in her life other than Baron von Strucker and Alexander Pierce, both of whom were far from making her comfortable or content.

"Your birthday is next week, right?" Peter questioned as they trudged up the cement stairs.
"Yeah, i'm pretty sure. I can never remember though." None of HYDRA's agents really knew how old they were but once a year Pierce called Vienna to inform her of yet another year passing and she got the day off of training to lounge in her excruciatingly tiny 48 square foot room.

She hoped it was next week, Vienna desperately wanted a day off, not to do something specific just to have one difference in her routine.
"I heard the Winter Soldier was here." She stopped in my tracks after registering what Peter had whispered.

"He's here, like in this bunker, like right now?" Vienna had to keep her voice low, there are ears everywhere, but her excitement was almost bursting out of her.
"Yeah, i think so. God, be less thrilled why don't you?" He looked at her like she was a psychopath but Vienna had been enraptured by James Bucanan Barnes ever since she found out about him. He was such a mystery that Vienna had even hacked into his file and risked punishment to find out more about him.

The pair slowed to a stop as they reached Vienna's room and barely bid farewell as she ran into the cell and hunted under her cot for a computer. The only one she had ever been issued was from the late 90's and slower than a turtle. But at least it worked, well enough for her to use anyway. As she pulled it out she logged in and did what she had only done twice before, hacked into classified HYDRA files.

The second time had been 2 years ago when she researched the Winter Soldier, there wasn't much on him but it was a wealth of knowledge compared to what she found the first time she had hacked into the mainframe. 4 years ago she tried to find her file. For the past 8 years VIenna had been given little to no information about herself or her family or where she came from. So at 12 years old she made her way into the mainframe and accessed the agent's files. From there she looked at those under 20 and after hours of careful searching and bad connection she found it, her file. After another hour of slipping past the locks and firewalls, she found 13 words. Vienna Fury, taken at age 8 and against the original plan trained for espionage. Accompanying this sentence was a picture of Vienna at 8 strapped onto a table wearing a pink Hello Kitty nightgown.

Authors Note
Hiiii, so the 1st part, yayyyy. This was pretty short because i still don't really have a game plan but i will work on making the other parts longer and developing the story. If you are reading this, thank you. It means a lot even if it's only 3 of you. If you think I should add something just put it into a comment and I will look them over. I will always accept constructive criticism, i want to make this the best story i can and i would really appreciate your help. Thankssss.
-Sage 🧋

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