~~part 30~~

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"Yet another day of no communication. I swear to god when I finish tracking Wanda I'm going to slap her across the face" Vienna threw down the tracker and began pacing in front of the dining table.

"Calm down Vienna, I'm sure she will check in soon, if she doesn't I'll help you slap her." Nat replied from her place at the table. Sam, Steve, Vienna, and Nat had been on the run for almost 2 years now, separated from Wanda for what seemed as long. The group had stopped in the familiar Sokovia to camp out while searching for Wanda.

The agreement when Wanda had left was for her to check in weekly and confirm her safety. They hadn't heard from her in  a month. Vienna had been trying desperately to retrieve her location from a tracker she had placed on the going away gift she had given the happy couple but the signal could not be reached. Hopefully the Maximoff girl's home country would bring good luck.

"Hey y'all we're back." Sam announced as huim and Steve walked in the door of the apartment.

"Alright Vi, we picked up all the little parts you asked for." Steve explained as he set down a small bag from a nearby hardware store. Inside it was all the common  items Vienna could use to fix her tracker.

"Oh my god, you are literally my hero." Vienna responded, absentmindedly kissing Steve's cheek as she rifled through the bag. "Alright now everyone out of the kitchen, I have to focus." She commanded, her demeanor switching in seconds.

Nat giggled as she herded the boys out, leaving Vienna alone. Vienna immediately sat down and began working. She replaced old parts with new ones and even added a few. She worked until the early hours of the morning before eventually falling asleep, her head resting on spare screws. Steve snuck out a few hours later and placed a blanket around her shoulders, not wanting to disturb her. As the blanket fell over her Vienna began to wake but stene sat down beside her and pulled her close, comforting her. She didn't stir after that.

The next morning Nat and Sam walked into the kitchen to find the two supersoldiers nestled against each other, balancing between two chairs. Nat scoffed and tousled her newly blond hair before sneaking over to the cozy couple. Just as she was about to scream and wake them an alarm went off. It was coming from the tracker on the table. The alarm not only startled Nat but woke Vienna. She instantly pushed off of Steve and scrambled to reach the device. She picked it up and stared at the screen, it was lit up with a blinking red dot and a location. The text read

Edinburgh, Scotland.

~That Night~

The team had just arrived in Scotland and Vienna had led them to where the tracker indicated Wanda was. They entered a small apartment in Old Town Edinburgh but found it suspiciously empty. Vienna, Steve, and Nat searched the rooms for any clues while Sam flew above the city, searching for them.

"Hmm, well I found the tracker." Vienna announced, holding up an ornament from their first christmas celebration.

"Hey ya'll i found them, both Vision and Wanda are in the train station south from where you are now, you might want to hurry. These big scary looking alien things are attacking them. Vision is down." Sam relayed to the trio from his spot in the sky.

Vienna's gaze snapped to Nat and the two women, Steve right behind them, ran out of the apartment. Once they reached the street they split up, circling the train station. Steve headed ikn  first to get their attention with Nat and Sam right behind him. Vienna volunteered to get Vision to safety.

She was hidden near the ticket booth while waiting for her signal. As soon as one of the aliens was thrown across the station Vienna began moving. She snuck around the tracks until she had eyes on Vision. From there she used her powers and latched onto every tiny bit of metal in him and on his suit. Slowly she began pulling him towards her. As he slid across the floor Vienna noticed the wound through his abdomen. Wincing, Vienna finished dragging him to safety and then turned her attention to the fight in front of her.
Both of the aliens were on the ground, Nat, Steve, and Sam surrounding them  in. Vienna walked forward and made eye contact with one of the creatures. A slow cold fled through her body before Vienna pulled her eyes away and stepped closer to Steve.

Nat spoke first, "We don't wanna kill you. But we will."

The alien replied with a slight smile, "You'll never get the chance again." Then they disappeared , as though beamed up. Leaving nothing behind, not even the large spear like weapon Steve held.

Sam cursed under his breath before turning to Vision, "Can you stand?

Vision nodded and spoke, his voice distorted, "Thank you, Captain."

Steve grabbed Vienna's hand and began walking towards the AI, "Let's get you on the jet."

    Once they boarded Vienna immediately sat down in the pilot's seat and began putting in coordinates. As she did this Nat's voice carried and Vienna could make out her friend scolding Wanda for the lack of communication. Vienna smiled, happy to not be the one under the assassin's disappointed glare. After directing the quinjet back to the compound Vienna leaned back and took a minute to ponder on who the fuck just attacked them.

    A few hours later Vienna landed the quinjet on the roof of the compound and looked at Steve before stepping out. It had been 2 years since she had last been here and the idea that she still might not be accepted was terrifying but Vienna straightened her back and walked into the building with her head high. The group made their way through the halls until reaching a conference room. Itb was occupied by Rhodey and a holographic Ross.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve said, announcing their presence.

Ross turned his attention to the fugitives and stepped forward, "You got some nerve. I'll give you that."

Natasha smiled, "You could use some of that right now."

The secretary scoffed, "The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?"

"I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight." Steve said, taking a step forward. "And if you wanna stand in our way... we'll fight you, too."

Ross shook his head and looked at Rhodes again, "Arrest them."

Rhodes nodded, "All over it." Then he swiped the hologram off and faced Cap, "That's a court-martial. It's great to see you, Cap."

Steve walked forward and embraced Rhoidey, "You too." Then it was Nat and Vienna's turn.

Rhodes gestured towards Vision and joked, "Well. You guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years."

"Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five stars." Sam replied, holding Vision up.

"Uh, I think you look great." A familiar voice pulled everyone's attention as none other than Bruce Banner walked in the room, "Uh... heh... Yeah. I'm back."

Vienna looked at Nat and watched her friends face brighten as she said, "Hi Bruce"

Bruce whispered, "Nat."

Vienna cringed at their strange encounter and thought back to years ago when they had an almost romance. Then she looked at Sam and said, "Well, this is awkward."

Author's Note.

Ok y'all so i am currently on Vacation and will not be posting until the 22nd, i decided to take some time off and just enjoy my summer for a week. Thank you so much, PLEASE VOTE and comment.


P.S I just watched Black Widow and I feel empty inside. Nat has been my comfort character for so many years and it's hard to think that it was the last time we will ever see her on screen. But, even though the character is dead my love for Black Widow continues.

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