~~part 28~~

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~2 Week After Airport Battle~

The rays of sun streaming through the window woke Vienna and she groaned. Reaching towards her nightstand Vienna squinted and glanced at her clock, it was 5:30 and Vienna's day was beginning. She stepped out of the small bed and stretched before walking towards the miniscule bathroom attached to her hotel room.

After Steve and Barnes escaped and Vienna left Nat she headed out of the country, to the Netherlands. Vienna knew the first priority was leaving Germany so she headed north. From there she traveled to Sweden then through Finland into Russia. She spent 3 days huddled in an abandoned building on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. After making a plan she moved into Estonia and found a small hotel. Thankfully most people spoke Russian here so Vienna could communicate, her Estonian was underdeveloped. Vienna had been living in this hotel for the past 4 days, waiting.

Natasha had said she would contact her but the small phone had not received any messages. Within a few minutes Vienna was ready for the day, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. Her first stop was a local market where she picked up food for the next couple days. Then Vienna headed for the train station. She needed tickets and a phone. Once she reached her destination by cab Vienna stepped into the station and headed for the ticket window.

"Zdravstvuyte, mne nuzhno kupit' bilet v Kokhtla-Yarve. Kogda ukhodit sleduyushchiy poyezd?" (Hello, I need to purchase a ticket to Kohtla-Järve. When does the next train leave.) Vienna asked the woman in the booth.

"Tebe povezlo, sleduyushchiy poyezd otpravlyayetsya cherez 2 chasa."(You're in luck dear, the next train leaves in 2 hours.) She responded with a large smile.

"Otlichno, tol'ko odin bilet, pozhaluysta." (Great, just one ticket please.) Vienna said as she held out the money required. After receiving her tickets Vienna waved to the woman and headed towards a payphone. There was no one nearby so Vienna took the risk and dialed the only number she knew by heart.

With a deep breath Vienna raised the phone to her ear and waited. It rung once, twice, three times. Then there was a small click and Vienna took a sharp inhale when she heard Fury's voice.

She listened as he spoke into the phone, "Yes."

Vienna smiled at her fathers one word greeting before replying, "Fury, it's Vienna."

"Jesus Christ, Vienna, where the hell are you. Everyone is looking for you."

"I know, i know Fury. But I can't tell you. And don't try to find out where I'm calling you from because I'm leaving." She sighed.

"Vienna, tell me where you are, I will come get you. We don't need to tell anyone else but I need to know you are ok." This was one of the first times Vienna ever heard her dad sound concerned.

"I'm fine ok, i should have called you earlier but i didn't know what to say. I guess I just want to tell you not to worry, I'm safe but I had to make sure you know that."

"Please Vienna, just tell me." His hard spy exterior was melted away, Nick Fury just wanted his daughter back right now.

"I'm sorry." Vienna breathed out before hanging up the phone. She was holding back tears and her hand was still clutching the phone. Her head fell and Vienna gave herself one full minute of emotion before pulling herself together. She lifted her head, wiped her tears away and put on a face she wore for years. The perfect Houdini, HYDRA's little pet, her face was void of emotion. With one last breath Vienna gripped her bag and walked out of the station. After hailing a cab and giving the location of her hotel, Vienna was dropped off.

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