~~part 16~~

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Natasha led Vienna down a hallway away from the lab. Vienna began memorizing the layout of the floor but it eventually got too complicated when they began turning down multiple hallways until they eventually stopped in front of a door. Natasha opened the door and led Vienna in. Her jaw dropped, her room was huge, well it was when you compared it to her cell back at HYDRA. The room was white with blue accents, in the middle was a huge queen bed with throw pillows and a cozy comforter. There was an attached bathroom and Vienna instantly felt at home. Nat noticed the awestruck expression on the girl's face and smiled,

"Pretty cool right. We all have rooms here, mine is just next door, in case you need anything. I brought some of my clothes in and there are toiletries in the bathroom. Oh, and Jarvis controls the tower so if you need anything just ask." She began to leave when she paused and looked back at Vienna. She had sat on the bed and was running her fingers over the material.

Nat immediately headed back to the lab to talk to the rest of the team.She walked in on a heated discussion between Steve and Tony.
"She needs help, her life has been hell." Steve was pissed, he wanted to help Vienna and find Bucky.

"Why should we help her? She is a murderer and a liar. Personally i couldn't care less about her." Tony didn't trust her and for good reason.

"She has been brainwashed and tortured, she deserves help. Not to mention we owe Fury, helping Vienna is the least we could do."

"Boys, stop arguing. Tony, we are helping Vienna. We will work with her. But Steve, this doesn't mean she gets free reign, there isn't a reason she deserves our trust yet." Nat stepped in before the argument escalated and calmed the two men down, "I will say that I saw her walk into her room with disbelief, I don't think she ever had adequate living conditions in HYDRA. And we all saw those scars, that girl has had a tough life and she has earned our consideration."

The rest of the team nodded and began to disperse, Tony stormed off to his lab. Clint went to train with Sam, Bruce stayed to continue analyzing Vienna's blood and Steve and Nat headed to the sitting room for a drink.


Vienna looked through the drawers of her dresses and smiled at the clothes Natasha had generously given her. She then grabbed a soft pair of pajamas and made a beeline for the bathroom. She then removed her dirty, grimy clothes and climbed into the shower. Vienna sighed in relief, she felt the tension leave her shoulders as she washed her hair. Once she was done she dressed in the pajama set and snuggled under the covers.

The room was warm, the bed supremely comfortable and Vienna was sleeping deeply. Suddenly her heart rate spiked and she began thrashing her arms around. She was in the middle of a vivid night terror.


A HYDRA agent was backing 10 year old Vienna up into a corner, "Ty, Gudini, syvorotki ne stoish'. Yest' drugiye, drugiye boleye sil'nyye. Vy slaby, i vy vsegda budete slabymi." His voice was deep and he began yelling. Vienna struggled to get away when he back started burning and an indescribable pain spread across it. She twisted her head and stared down at the white scars developing across it. She screamed and the man in front of her started reaching for her throat.

~End Nightmare~

Vienna woke with a gasp and she flung herself forward. She was drenched in sweat and her breathing was heavy and unsteady. Her eyes dated around the room and she finally calmed down once realizing she wasn't in the HYDRA sub-levels. She was in Stark tower, safe. Vienna got her heart rate back down to normal and slowly ran her fingers over her back. Some of the scars were raised and she could feel them. It shouldn't but knowing that they were real helped her to get a grasp on her surroundings. Slowly she settled back under the covers and fell into a restless sleep.

    Natsha woke up to an alarm, alerting her of a change in Vienna. She had asked Jarvis to notify her of the girls vitals and any sudden changes. She leaped out of her bed and quietly went down the hall to Vienna;s room. She laid her ear against the door and listened to the deep breaths of Vienna before silence fell.

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