~~part 34~~

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~3 Weeks Later~
~Avengers Compound~

3 weeks ago Vienna had woken up in her bed with a killer headache and some serious injuries. Luckily because of her super healing she was completely healed after a few days but she did get some nice new scars and the others in the compound had begun to fear her. It wasn't ideal but Vienna was now only focused on moving forward. Her temper tantrum had set everyone back a couple days but they were all still focused on bringing everyone back. Thor and the raccoon, who's name Vienna had learned was Rocket, had returned. They were also trying to find Tony, who was last seen boarding an alien spaceship. Carol had proved herself to be useful given that she could fly into space.

Vienna walked into Steve's bathroom just in time to see him shave the last bit of his beard. "Ah no. I kinda liked the beard." She commented.

Steve turned toward her with a small smile, "Yeah I know but it was time to get rid of it." He walked forward to meet her and Vienna stepped into his arms. They stood there for a minute, finding comfort in the other but that was interrupted when Vienna noticed a side mirror slowly shaking. It started moving more intensely and Vienna pulled away from steve.

He had also noticed and the two nodded at each other before running out of the room.
They met Rhodes, Banner, and Romanoff in a common room and the group walked out into the field. Vienna gazed into the night sky as A blinding light neared them. As it got closer Vienna saw that it was Carol, she was holding a large spaceship on her back. Danvers set it down and the landing gear deployed. Vienna continued walking towards the ship as a hatch opened. Tony Stark and a blue woman walked out of it. Vienna gaped at the sight of her old friend as Steve left her side to run towards Tony. He climbed up the ramp and helped Tony stand. Even from a distance Vienna could tell Stark was struggling.

As Vienna came even closer she could make out Steve and Tony talking, but she didn't get much of the conversion before Pepper ran towards the 2 men. Pepper had arrived at the compound about 2 ½ weeks ago and the avengers had welcomed her with open arms. No one knew if Tony was alive and Vienna could tell it was tearing Pep apart.

The strawberry blonde woman ran towards Tony and the two embraced each other as the group began to make their way inside again. As they walked Vienna looked behind her and watched as Rocket and the woman who had come with Tony sat on the ramp. They both looked struck with grief, Vienna would recognize that expression anywhere, she had worn it many times before.


Vienna and the others were sitting around the table, in front of them were holograms showing images of those who had died. Vienna starred as pictures of Peter, Wanda, Fury and so many others flashed by.

Rhodey spoke first, "It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth."

Nat explained, "World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures."

Tony was sitting at the head of the table, he was hooked up to an IV and looked worse than Vienna had ever seen him but he was still trying to get as much information as possible, "Where is he now? Where?"

Steve answered with an exasperated sigh, "We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through."

Tony looked around the room and seemed to finally notice Thor who was sitting alone on a bench, "What's wrong with him?"

Rocket scoffed, "Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?"

Stark looked at the racoon in disbelief, "Honestly, until this exact second, I literally thought you were a Build-A-Bear."

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