~~part 27~~

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"Alright everyone in position." Tony's voice was projected over comms and Vienna rolled her eyes.

"Nope Tony, I am on the beaches of Saint-Tropez, enjoying a tropical drink." Vienna responded, pausing to hear him groan in frustration before continuing, "Of course we are in position, tin can. This isn't our first rodeo."

His reply came almost instantly, "Huh, I didn't know they had rodeos in underground russian bunkers."

"Shut up Stark" was Vienna's unoriginal but effective comeback.

"Stop it guys, I see Steve." Rhodey warned as both him and Tony flew down to meet Cap, blowing up a helicopter in the process.

Vienna watched and listened as they spoke to each other, not truly listening. That was one of her biggest bad habits, she never listened to the conversations before the fights. Vienna had been trained to kill and maim, not converse. Her goal was to win, she didn't need to listen to Tony and Steve bicker before it. She did get pulled back in when she saw Steve's shield go flying behind Parker and his bright red suit. Vienna hummed, impressed with the kid as he babbled to those below her. She slipped 2 of her knives into her hands and watched as an arrow was shot through the webs encasing Steve's fingertips. Vienna stood from her crouching position and readied herself, the fight was about to begin.

As soon as the thought crossed her mind, a man enlarged on top of Cap's Shield and stole it from Spidermam. Growing increasingly frustrated Vienna groaned and watched as her team began to split up and target others.

"Hey Houdini, got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes." Rhodes advised, rising into the air and heading towards Steve.

Vienna turned to see Sam and Barnes running towards her, she was concealed enough that they didn't notice her though. With a grim look, Vienna responded, "I see them but I might need some help."

Then she slid behind a corner and watched as the duo neared her. Just as she was about to step out, Parker flew through a window and knocked Sam to the side, quickly getting on his feet and intercepting a punch from Barnes. Vienna watched, entertained before Peter got knocked out of the way by the Falcon. That's when she stepped out, in front of Barnes. He turned around, almost sensing her, and she immediately locked his metal arm in place. Bucky looked to his green-shrouded arm then back to Vienna this time with confusion in his eyes.

"Last time I went on a mission with you, you couldn't do that." He said, staring at her from the same position.

"Yeah well, a lot has changed since our last mission, Winter Soldier." Vienna countered, walking towards him, knives in her hands.

He didn't back away though, Barnes began walking towards her too, "Yes, it has. But I bet one thing has stayed the same."

"Oh yeah, what's that."

"I can still beat you in combat." He responded, with a determined look set on his face.

"I wouldn't bet on that." And with those words Vienna released his arm and ran towards him.
She dodged his first attack, an uppercut with the flesh arm and returned it with a swift kick to his right kidney. Then as he tried to block that Vienna lodged her first knife in one of the rivets of his metal arm. He paused to try to remove it and Vienna used that to her advantage by stomping on his instep and jabbing his shoulder. She knew from personal experience that Barnes's biggest weakness was the area where metal met flesh. As soon as her hand had applied pressure on that area Barnes stepped back and attempted to punch her with his metal arm. Vienna grinned and used the momentum of his swing to throw herself onto his shoulders, effectively bringing him down.
Vienna climbed to her feet and grinned down at Barnes, who was still struggling to get his breath back, "Huh, I guess you aren't as great as you thought."

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