~~part 2~~

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Vienna was deep in the Winter Soldier's file when Alexander Pierce's gravelly voice erupted from her radio. "Houdini, report to my office in 10 minutes. Don't be late. " His summons ended as suddenly as it had begun.

Vienna groaned and reluctantly bent down to lace up her combat boots. She exited out of the mainframe taking care to make sure nothing was left that could alert someone of her presence and stuffed the computer under her cot along with almost all of her other valuables. Vienna wished there was a better place to hide her things but when living in such a small place she found there was barely enough room for her.

After adjusting her HYDRA uniform Vienna slipped out her door and started the 4 minute walk to Pierce's office. As she walked she started thinking about what she had found in her latest file dive. The Winter Soldier was here, she wasn't sure where, or for how long but he was definitely somewhere in this huge bunker. When she had arrived outside of Pierces office she knocked twice and waited for a positive affirmation before opening the door and entering.

"Zdravstvuyte, ser, reportazh houdini."(Hello sir, Houdini reporting) Vienna bowed her head and raised it just enough to meet Pierce's blue eyes as they settled on her and drifted over her body.

"Good, you're here. I have a mission for you" He always spoke in english while forcing the agents to speak in russian. As he greeted her Vienna took the second to scan the room and as she did her eyes met another pair of shocking blue eyes. James Barnes stood in the corner of the room so stilly she almost missed him entirely.

Vienna froze and stopped listening to Pierce, stopped hearing entirely as her and the Winter soldiers eyes met. She knew he was an assassin, who killed over 100 people but she didn't expect the lack of soul in his eyes. It was as though there was nothing behind them, no emotions or response. Pierce looked upland noticed the two looking at each other, "Ahh, yes, i don't believe you two have met. Houdini, this is the Winter Soldier. I'm sure you've heard of him."

Alexanders words forced her out of her daze and Vienna turned to face him, "Kakaya missiya, ser?"(What is the mission, sir?) Peirce nodded as he began to speak.

"The director of SHIELD decided it would be an awesome idea to bring together people who have enhanced abilities and have them fight our battles for us, " Pierce started to explain Vienna's mission, "Those he is bringing together are to be called the Avengers, if the board even approves this ridiculous idea. But because my position in SHIELD is lower than I need I have decided to send you in. This will be an intelligence mission only, observe and report. I want you to find out who the Avengers are and what makes them special. Then you will report back here and give me a full report. You will be sent to New York City for 2 weeks then I will have a team pick you up and bring you back."

Vienna nodded to signify she understood and he continued. "I have to head back to DC for the next 2 weeks but don't fret I will be back in time for your report. You will be shipped out in 5 days, prepare and pack" Pierce lifted both arms in the air and chanted, "Hail Hydra '' before exiting the room with a slam of the door. She repeated both the action and the words before exiting as well but before the door closed after her a metal hand reached out and clamped down. ViennaI turned to face the Winter soldier as he studied her for a minute, nodded, and walked out of the room. He walked the same direction as Peirce. She studied him for a moment before walking away.

    Vienna rushed back, not to her room, but to the training room to meet Peter for their second session of the day and filled him in on her strange interaction with the shadow of a man, James Barnes.

Authors Note
Once again If you are reading this, thank you. It means a lot even if it's only 3 of you. If you think I should add something just put it into a comment and I will look them over. I will always accept constructive criticism. This chapter was just another one leading up to Vienna's journey to New York for the first Avengers movie. The story will pick up in the next couple chapters, dont worry. Thank you for reading. P. S I used google translate for the Russian so hopefully it's accurate.
-Sage 🦋

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