~~part 21~~

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Vienna squeezed her eyes shut and shifted. She settled into a more comfortable position  before a feeling of panic hit her. Her eyes flew open and she hurled herself up. She climbed out of the bed at lightning fast speed before taking a minute and looking at her surroundings. She was in a bedroom, a simple one. There was wood flooring and a large window that showered the room in natural light. Once Vienna had confirmed there wasn't any danger she looked to the door and slowly crept to it, without making a sound. The door led to a hallway and to her right was stairs, the sound of laughter floated up the steps and Vienna recognized it as Nat. As she walked down she also heard Steve's deep laughter and Tony's chuckle. Vienna smiled and followed the sound into a quaint kitchen where the Avengers were sitting around the table with a woman she didn't recognize. They were all laughing at something Clint had said. Vienna took a deep breath and slowly walked into the space.

"Vienna, good you're awake. I was getting worried." Nat noticed her immediately and started to approach.

"Where are we? What happened?" Vienna held up a hand to stop nat and caught Sreve's eyes. She noticed a bandage on the side of his face.

"We're at Clint's family home, don't worry, it's safe." He answered.

"What happened at the salvage yard?" She asked, the last thing she remembered was Wanda grabbing her arm after she took out 4 of Klaue's men.

"Well the Maximoff girl took out most of us and we had to retreat. You were unconscious and after a particularly destructive code green Clint took us here, a safe house." Nat said calmly.

"Ok so Ultron got away? What are we doing next?" Vienna looked around but everyone avoided her gaze.

"Maria called Fury, he is coming to help us make a plan and then you're going with him." Tony mey her eyes and delivered the news.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Vienna you're not going to finish this mission with us, you're too unpredictable. We can't work with someone we don't trust." Tony answered, "You're free to go back up to that guest room until Fury arrives but you can't be here when we make a plan."

That stung, they didn't trust her and for good reason, she was dangerous. Vienna wouldnt wouldnt trust herself either. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt though.

    "OK, sure. Let me know when Fury gets here." Vienna was holding back tears but she refused to cry in front of Nat and Steve. Then she turned on her heel and walked back up the stairs. Nat turned to follow her but Clint grabbed her arm.

    "Let her calm down, you guys can talk later." Nat reluctantly nodded and they sat back down, the mood considerably lower.

~2 hours Later~

    Jeez did her father even have a concept of time. It was getting late and Vienna was still in the bedroom. Tony had made it clear that no one wanted her out there. She had found a book about the Civil War and even though it was boring as hell it was also the only thing that could be considered Entertainment. As she read she listened, she had cut off her super hearing ever since she was put in timeout and this was the first time she had used it. As she listened she heard the deep timber of Nicholas Fury. Vienna quickly sat up and listened again. Great so they sent her to her room and refused to tell her that her father arrived. Ugh Vienna hated Avengers.

    She stopped listening again until a knock sounded on her door.

    "Yeah?" She called out and less than a moment later Fury had entered. He stayed in the doorway but when he spoke Vienna could hear.

    "Come on kiddo, it's time to go. They're heading out soon and we are too. I'm taking you back to Austria. No missions for a while." Vienna nodded and stood up, she walked over to him and he pulled on one of her braids with a laugh. She giggled and walked down the stairs, Fury behind her. Without another word to the team she walked out the door and headed to Fury's car. Fury climbed in as well and they took off without another look.

~Salzburg Austria~
~2 Days Later~

    Vienna had just settled down with a book when her special Avenger radio started blaring "Bitch Better Have My Money", Tony had given each of them special themes and that was hers. She frowned, rolled her eyes and reached over to her nightstand to answer it.


    "Wow, how about you sound a little less excited." Stark's voice was the last thing she wanted to hear right now.

    "If you don't get to the point Stark you won't be hearing anything."

    "Ooh feisty, I see why Cap likes you," Vienna rolled her eyes, again, "Listen I know I said we didn't need your help but I was lying, we do, desperately."

    "Why? What happened."

    "Well we figure out how to stop Ultron and where but we need your help, he has a lot of backup."

    "Why would i help you?"

    "That's what i said but it turns out we have one of the only reasons you would."

    Vienna smirked, "Oh yeah, and what's that?"

    "Ultron has Natasha and we need you to help us save her and stop him."

    The smile fell off Vienna's face as she listened and she immediately crawled out of her bed, "Ok, i'm getting ready now, when will you be here?"

    "About 10 minutes, meet us on the roof of your apartment building." Then Tony hung up and Vienna was left in silence to suit up. As she got ready her mind drifted away and she began to worry about Nat. It seemed stupid but Tasha was the person she was closest too. Even Fury and her had bumps but even after Vienna tried to kill her Nat helped her. She was Vienna's sister and even though she was pissed at Tony there was nothing that was going to stop her from saving Natasha.

Vienna grabbed every knife she owned and strapped them on. Then she grabbed her cuffs and laced up her boots. About a foot from the door She turned around and jotted down a quick note for Fury, attaching it to the fridge.

went on potentially life threatening mission, back for dinner tomorrow
-Love V

Then Vienna ran out the door and threw herself up the stairs. Once she was on the roof she scanned the horizon and spotted the Avengers quinjet a mile away using her enhanced eyes. 30 seconds later they hovered above the roof before landing softly. The back opened and Vienna met Steve's eyes

"Oh my god guys, I leave for ten minutes and you let the only one i like get kidnapped."

Authors Note

Sorry again for the short chapter but we are getting into the big Sokovian battle so this is too tide you over till then. We are also going to get a huge clue about Vienna's powers from Wanda and Pietro. As always, thank you for reading, please vote and comment. See you next update.

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