~~part 23~~

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A.N-ok so this chapter is kind of bad, i know. this is mainly just to establish Vienna's powers. please don't judge the rest of the book based on this, i promise it will get better. thank you.

Vienna heard the slam as Sam crashed into the wall. She had just delivered a sidekick to his stomach and had accidently used a little too much force.

"Oh shit, are you ok?" She ran over to Sam, who was now lying motionless on the ground of the training room. They were sparing as an example for Wanda, who did not have any combat training.

"I'm good, I'm good. I think i'm gonna have to lay here for a minute." Sam groaned. Vienna laughed and grabbed his chin with her hand, tilting his face towards her. She leaned in to check his pupils and make sure he didn't have a concussion.

"Damn, Houdini, are we about to kiss right now." He smirked.

Vienna rolled her eyes and backed up, "Shut up Sam, just for that little comment you're going to be Wanda's weight next time." As she backed up she heard Sam's groan and grinned.

It has been about a month since training started and the recruits had improved drastically. Rhodey never wanted to get out of his suit, but Vienna had insisted that he didn't spar with it on. Sam was already pretty well trained but Vienna could still beat him easily, his goal was to beat her in the next month. Him and Steve had made a bet, Steve didn't think he could. Vision was a little difficult to train, his combat fighting was top notch and no one else knew how to train him in flying or shooting shit with an infinity stone. Vienna mainly used him for practice with Wanda. Speaking of, Wanda had gained some control of her powers but they were extensive and she could really only do one thing at a time.

Vienna made her way out of the training room and towards the kitchen, Nat was waiting for her. They always had lunch together unless Nat was on a mission. When Vienna walked in she saw a PB&J waiting for her on the island and she smiled, sliding into a chair.

"Hey, how did training go?" Nat sat down as well and asked.

"I don't know, Sam is good but i don't know if he is improving, i haven't trained anyone in years and i can tell if i'm doing it right."

"Listen don't sweat it, I just worked with Sam yesterday and I can tell he picked up some stuff from you. "

"Really?" Vienna was desperate for proof that she was doing something right.

"Yeah. Plus you know you're doing something right when the people you're training have a nickname for you." Nat assured her with a smile.

"They have a nickname for me?"

"Yeah, you didn't know? They call you the Warden."

"The Warden?" Vienna's jaw dropped, "Why the Warden?"

"You're like a prison guard, and the toughest on them."

"Really, I'm the toughest on them, not you or Steve." Vienna was having trouble processing this information.

"Yeah, do you have any idea how intense you are during training? I would be terrified of you. You're scary as hell." Nat laughed when she saw the shocked look on her friend's face.

"Huh," Vienna took a bite of her sandwich, "I'm not sure if that is a bad thing or a good thing"

Nat shrugged and the two women fell into silence as they finished their sandwiches. When Vienna finished she put her dish in the sink and waved goodbye to Nat as she left the kitchen. She headed outside, to the training ring. Tony had discovered that the regular room wasn't big enough for Wanda's power and had built them one outside. When Vienna arrived she saw Wanda and Sam already in the middle. She smirked and walked over to them. Sam noticed her first and slapped Wanda's arm, whispering something. The brunette looked at Vienna and immediately straightened up.

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