~~part 18~~

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~Abandoned Warehouse in New York City~
~10 Months Later~

"Ugh!" Vienna groaned as she flung her dagger into the chest of the last HYDRA agent. After he fell to the ground, dead, she called her dagger back to her via magnetic cuff. Vienna had come back to New York to take down one of the last HYDRA bases and was now surrounded by dead agents.. She checked that all her knives were in their sheaths before turning around and leaving the warehouse. She climbed onto a roof of a nearby building and started traveling back to her hotel room when a call came in over her comms.

"Yeah." She answered while flinging herself over a particularly large alley.

"Hey Vi, i heard that you were in New York and didn't tell any of us." Natasha Romanoff's disappointed voice made Vienna chuckle.

"Sorry Tash, I was on a mission."

"That means you are done now, good. We just got back from a particularly exciting retrieval mission and that means a party. It starts in 30 minutes and i expect to see you."

"W-wait, Nat-" Vienna stopped speaking when she heard a dial tone. Nat hung up on her. Vienna rolled her eyes as she landed on the roof of her hotel room. She slowly crept down the fire escape and opened a window to her room. She slipped in and headed to the bathroom. As she washed the blood of her body and face she started to consider going to the party. She hadn't seen any of the Avengers for months. They had called her in on some missions but for the most part her and Fury have been traveling and taking down Hydra.

She sighed and decided a visit was overdue.
When she climbed out of the shower she took care of her hair and did her makeup. Once that was done Vienna drifted over to her closet and sifted through the few items she brought. She stumbled onto a dress that she forgot about and smiled as she pulled it out and slipped it on. It was gorgeous. Tight, black and it had a ruffle around the top. It was a little extra but Vienna didn't care as she left her room and headed to the lobby. It was dark outside but she still wore sunglasses to hide her features. When she reached the road she hailed a cab and told the driver the address to a cafe. 15 minutes later she arrived at the cafe across the street from Stark Towers.

Before she crossed the street Vienna looked up at the apartment building this whole thing had started at. She hated to admit it but looking at the lit up apartment she felt a little nostalgic. She didn't spend long though before moving towards the Tower. She went around the back and entered through a staff exit. She found the elevator and got inside pressing the button for the top floor. As she traveled upwards Vienna began fidgeting with the bottom of her dress, pulling it down so her daggers were not visible. Even if she was among friends she wasn't going to risk being unarmed. It had been an hour since Tasha's call and Vienna knew she was late but she didn't care as the doors opened onto the Avengers Tower and the party within. Vienna stepped out and immediately spotted Tony who met her eyes and walked over.

"Hey, mini Fury. What a pleasure, Natasha told us she invited you but I was skeptical of if you would even show." He said as he neared closer.

"Thanks for the confidence Stark. Speaking of where is Nat?" She responded as the two began walking together towards everyone else.

"Why would you want to find Romanoff, don't tell her i said it but isn't she a little boring." Tony teased, "I want you to meet someone."

As they entered the sitting area Tony yelled out, "Vienna's here." Those that knew her turned with smiles on their faces and walked over to greet her.

"Hey Vienna, long time no see." Her and Sam shook hands.

"Whats up Houdini." Clint said with a flask in his hands

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