~~part 32~~

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After strapping 6 new vibranium knives to her suit, Vienna boarded one of many carriers. Natasha stood next to her. As they flew away from the palace and toward the battlefield Vienna looked towards steve. He was positioned at the head of a carrier, beside him was T'challa and behind him was the dora milaje. Vienna's heart softened at the sight. Steve was prepared for battle and honestly this is where he looked most comfortable.

Her attention was pulled from Steve by a giggle from Nat. Vienna twisted her neck and spotted Bruce, who had suited up in the HulkBuster, crumpled on the ground. He had tripped over a rock and Vienna could tell it would take a minute for the doctor to feel comfortable. Vienna faced forward once again in time to jump off the carrier as it slowed to a stop.

An announcement from Rhodey broke through comms, "I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line"

Vienna walked forward with Nat and Bucky to meet Steve. When she glanced backward the entire Wakandan army was in position. Vienna took a deep breath and began to make her way towards the end of the shield with Nat, Steve, and T,Challa. As they approached the view of two aliens became clear. Vienna recognized one of them from Edinburgh but the other was a stranger. The female one looked closely at the force field separating them before lifting her sword and dragging it across the surface, as though testing the strength.

Natasha interrupted the examination with a question, "Where's your other friend?"

The alien's head tilted as she responded with ice in her voice, "You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone."

"That's not gonna happen." Steve said, stepping in front of Vienna slightly.

T'Challa added, "You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

The woman smirked and gestured with her sword to the ships behind her, "We... have blood to spare." Vienna squinted and watched as the ships began to move as though they were releasing something.

"Not enough" Vienna spit out before turning away with the others and walking back to the army.

As the group approached Bucky he asked sarcastically, "Did they surrender?"

Steve scoffed, "Not exactly."

Vienna unsheathed her 2 longest knives as the Black Panther began a war cry. The rest of Wakanda joined in and Vienna bent her knees, preparing herself. Using her enhanced eyesight Vienna focused on the woman alien as she raised her sword and dropped it. Then a horde of alien dog-things came bounding out of the trees. Vienna's eyes widened and she took a breath when faced with the astounding number of creatures.

Bucky seemed to agree as he released an astonished, "What the hell."

Nat straightened her back and remarked, "Looks like we pissed her off."

Vienna cracked her neck as the creatures ran towards the force field then straight into it. The strength of the shield killed them instantly but they didnt stop. Everytime one died, 10 more took their place.

Okoye breathed out, "They're killing themselves."

Because of the sheer number of them some of the beasts were able to squeeze through the barrier. The front of the Wakandan army unraveled their cloaks, creating a long line of shields. Bucky immediately began firing at the stragglers along with Bruce who had seemed to have finally got the hang of his suit. Vienna also watched as Sam dropped missiles from his wings onto the edge of the barrier. Rhodey did the same, the bombs helped but didn't stop the aliens. Vienna was about to speak when everyone noticed packs of these things circling the shield.

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