~~part 22~~

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Vienna strutted into the quinjet and settled into one of the seats, across from Steve. She nodded to him before turning her attention to Tony, who was piloting.

    "Come on tinman. Get going." He rolled his eyes but did what she said and they began taking off. She said hello to the other Avengers before shifting again and seeing 2 figures in a corner. She looked closer and her jaw dropped after realizing who it was.

    "Vienna, I want to formally introduce you to Wanda and Pietro Maximoff." Steve gestured for the twins to come forward. While Wanda shifted her gaze to look down, Pietro met Vienna's with a blazing intensity.

    "It's nice to meet you both, better than the first time." Venna smirked and held her hand out. Surprised, Pietro reluctantly reached out and shook it, after a minute Wanda did too. When the brunette looked up at Vienna her eyes widened.

    "Oh my, you're Houdini?" Vienna could hear the girl's slight accent as she spoke.

    "I am, you can call me Vienna though. Why?"

    "Strucker used to tell us about you, he called you his greatest success until us." Pietro answered, stepping in front of his sister protectively.

    "Huh, that's good to know" Vienna scoffed.

    "He said his experiments on you were his greatest accomplishment, that you're power was great, that you were dangerous." Pietro spoke again, still shielding Wanda.

    "I don't know about 'great power'. I'm not even a full super soldier."

    "What? Super soldier, he never spoke of that." Wanda's timid voice came from behind her brother's frame.

    "I'm a super soldier, that is the power he gave me."

    "Strucker said he gave you extensive powers, like ours." Wanda said.

    "Yeah well Strucker was wrong, I don't have any special powers except what the serum gave me." Vienna stated and before either of the twins could speak up she turned to Steve.

    "Steve, where the hell is Thor, or did you guys kick him out too." She said with a raised eyebrow. Cap gritted his teeth before speaking.

    "Thor and The Vision went ahead to Sokovia. We are meeting them there."

    "The Vision? Who the fuck is that?"

    "It's kind of a long story," Steve said before shifting in his seat to make room for Vienna. She moved over to his side and he began explaining the shit storm that happened after she left.

~1 Hour Later~

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire, and that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out." Steve spoke as everyone prepared for evacuating the city. Vienna checked all her knives while Steve went over the plan again, "All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters and we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

Once the quinjet landed everyone ran out onto the streets of Sokovia. They all had a job and Vienna's was to evacuate blocks e-h. She took a deep breath before running into the closet building. She used her enhanced speed and strength to clear out the building in a matter of minutes then she moved onto the next one.
20  minutes later and Vienna was with Steve at one of the bridges leaving out of the city. They were trying to control the flow of people, making it as safe and effective as possible. Vienna had just bent down to help an elderly woman across when something grazed her head. She looked up to find tens of Utron's robot surrounding them. Her eyes narrowed and Vienna grabbed two knives, flipping them in her hands. She cracked her neck and looked at Steve with a small smile, "Hell of a way to go out."

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