~~part 10~~

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~The Next Morning~

    "Ok so the tracker shows that she is outside of her room?!" Clint looked down at the device with surprise.

    "Why would she be outside, it's 6 in the morning." Nat replied. The trio met up at SHIELD this morning and were now making their way to Vienna's motel.

    "Yeah, the tracker is a couple blocks from the Motel. Maybe Houdini found a new place to stay." Clint pondered, thinking of why she wasn't in her room.

    "Can we come up with a name for her, not Houdini. Like an actual name." Steve felt strange calling a teenager by a code name.

    "Yeah sure, cap. If we knew her name, which we don't. In the case report her name is Houdini so we call her Houdini." Nat scoffed at the suggestion while she got out of the car. They had arrived a block from the tracker. All three of them started climbing up the building. Then they jumped from building to building until they were right on top of the tracker. Natasha leaned over and tried to spot the girl. Instead she saw a knife and a backpack against the opposite wall.

    "What the hell, where is she?" This exclamation called the attention of Clint and Steve and soon all three of them were looking for her.

    "One of us should go down and check the bag. That's the one I put the tracker on. Maybe she discovered it and ditched it." Clint suggested.

    "She wouldn't leave her knife. That's an essential" Nat sighed and stood up. She cracked her neck and backed up from the side of the roof. Then without another word she took a running start and leaped down. Reaching up and grabbing the fire escape she twisted around and landed silently on the second level.

    "Shit, that's impressive." Steve widened his eyes and looked down at Natasha who had made her way over to the bag.

    "THis is full. If she left, she didn't take anything with her." Romanoff's voice came in clear over comms. The men watched as the spy crouched down and investigated. Then she said, "Boys, there is blood here. And a sign of struggle, I don't think Houdini left, I think she was taken."

~Hydra Plane Over the Atlantic~

    Vienna opened her eyes slowly, she didn't want to make any sudden moves or call attention to herself. Taking in her surroundings she noticed several things. 1, there were chains around her ankles, wrists and thighs. 2, she had a muzzle over her mouth. 3, the Winter Soldier was sitting next to her, he was wide awake but didn't move at all. 4, they were on a plane, probably heading back to Russia and HYDRA. 5, she was totally screwed.

    Vienna closed her eyes and tried shifting her hand, silently, to her side. She could reach it but her knife was missing, shit. Then she took a deep breath and tried to remember. Barnes jumped her in an alley, she sliced his arm, he kneed her in the stomach then punched her lights out. Damn, she could get out of these chains easily, that was her specialty, but there was no way she could overpower him. Vienna groaned involuntarily and opened her eyes in fear quick enough to see the metal fist heard straight for her face.

~HYDRA Headquarters~
~A Few Hours Later~

    "Come on Vienna, open your eyes. OPEN YOUR EYES." Vienna moved her head and slowly opened her eyes. Alexander Pierce was hovering above her. She opened her eyes fully and looked around. She was in one of HYDRA's white medical rooms. She shifted her shoulder and groaned in pain. AS vienna looked down she saw her body, clad in a thin medical gown, was covered in bruises and cuts. It seems Pierce already started punishing her for leaving.

    "Good, you're finally awake. Now before i wipe your memory and erase who you are, I want you to tell me exactly what happened in New York and why you tried leaving HYDRA."

    "I didn't just try, I did it. I was on my way out of the city before you sent your little dog after me." Vienna growled, her voice was raspy and deep.

    "Yeah well that "Dog" brought you back. And Vienna I'm not exaggerating when I say you aren't going to leave again. Ever. At least not until I decide you are the perfect, loyal soldier." A cruel smile grew on PIerce's face. "NOw tell me what happened in New York," He slapped her across the face, "before I force it out of you."

    20 minutes and many more slashes across her torso later, Pierce had gotten the story. Vienna could have held out, it was in her training but she knew Pierce wouldn't give up. She had told him of fighting Peter, of hopping from motel to apartment and back. Vienna told him about the Avengers and their abilities. She didn't mention them capturing her or her discovery of Nick Fury, HYDRA already knew her family tree.

    Then after she spilled Pierce brought in the doctors and the gear. A rubber guard was shoved into her mouth and a machined latched onto her head. The last thing she thought about was her father and how she wished that HYDRA had never gotten her.

    When Pierce was confident that she couldn't remember she was transported to her room and that's where she stayed for the next 2 weeks. Twice a day a tray of food was pushed in by gloved hands. Vienna knew she was being punished but she didn't know why. The only thing she knew for certain was her desire to please HYDRA, and somewhere in the back of her mind was a name. Fury.


    Vienna was unconscious, they had injected her with a special liquid and strapped her to a metal stretcher. She was 13 and had been selected for experiments. Peter had told her it was a good thing, she should be honored. She wasn't, Vienna was terrified, no one told her what the experiment would be, just that she would be a better agent because of it. Peirce was waiting in the gallery of the operating room when vienna was rolled in, he leaned forward in his chair. Nick Fury's daughter had proved to be an exceptional addition to the team and now she would be even better.

    The plan was to make another supersoldier, it had only been successful twice before and they had never even tried it on someone younger than 20. This would either be extremely successful or a failure, like all the others. This was one of the last batches of the serum HYDRA possessed and Pierce wanted it to work before they had to try to make more.

    The young girl was loaded into the pod and the doctors readied her before injecting the serum into her skinny arms. Vienna awoke suddenly with a gasp and a shriek as the bottles emptied into her blood. Then the doors were shut on her as she banged on the inside, trying to get out. A light started glowing from the inside and Peirce leaned forward, it was working.

The Vita-Rays were increasing, 50%, 80%. It had just reached 90 when the capsule shook and opened suddenly. Vienna was awake and trying to crawl out of it. The doors were not working properly and she couldn't escape. Peirce scoffed and stood up, another failure. Just as he was about to leave the head doctor, Strucker, shouted, "She is alive, it worked." Pierce spun around and raced to the window. Vienna was resting in one of the nurse's arms. Pierce squinted and tried to spot if she had been enhanced. Strucker started taking vitals and Pierce walked out.

30 minutes later there was a knock on his door and Baron Von strucker entered, "Sir, i have just studied Vienna extensively and am here to report my findings." Peirce nodded for him to continue. "I have discovered that although she is not a full Super Soldier that the serum did affect her. I believe that she has enhanced senses and strength. It is of course not as strong as the Winter Soldier but i believe she could be a real asset."

Pierce raised his eyebrows, "Eh, i will keep her around but i still count her as a failure. Anything else?"

"The girl has severe burns on her back but fortunately she also has extraordinary fast healing. I will keep you updated on her condition and any other changes. Thank you sir" Strucker turned to leave.

"Oh before you go,I want her to be wiped." Peirce ordered.

"But sir, she is incredibly weak, that will only worsen her condition"

"I don't care, wipe her. I don't want her to remember what happened. I will get an older agent to train her to use the new abilities. Now you may leave." Peirce waved the doctor away and turned back to his work. Vienna would do great things, not the greatest things, but great things.
~End Flashback~

Authors Note
    Hiii, so that might not have been the most descriptive serum injection but now you know how and why vienna is enhanced. If you are reading this, thank you. It means a lot even if it's only 3 of you. If you think I should add something just put it into a comment and I will look them over. I will always accept constructive criticism.

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