~~part 15~~

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~Avengers Tower~
~3 Hours Later~

A spitting pain behind her eye finally wakes Vienna up. She groaned and tried to raise her arms to massage her temple but they are attached to something and won't budge. Slowly she opens her eyes and silently curses, she is back in the white room. She's sitting in the same chair at the same table. Her eyes are wide open now and she looks down at her hands. Huh, guess Stark upped his game since she last escaped. Her wrists are trapped in some sort of handcuffs but it's thick and even with all her equipment it would take hours to break out of them. She raises her head and squints at the mirror across from her. Damn, they also fixed that, she can't see through it anymore, even with her spectacular eyesight.

"Great Job guys. You kidnapped a teenager. Whoo go Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes indeed." She raised her voice to tease those who knew would be on the opposite side.
Steve and the other Avengers watched the young girl yell at her reflection with raised eyebrows.

"Where the hell is Fury." Tony spoke up.

"He said he was on his way about 2 hours ago. One of us has to go talk to her." Nat added.

Steve volunteered, "I'll do it."

Sam looked at him with disbelief, "Why the hell would you want to do it. She almost killed us."

"Well she was Bucky's partner and she's Fury's daughter. It's the least i could do, especially after knocking her out." He explained before walking into the interrogation room.

Vienna straightened her back as she watched the captain walk in. She looked him over uneasily and watched as he pulled a chair up to the table. The two stared at each other in silence for a few moments.

"So, I guess i should introduce myself. I'm Steve Rogers, I also go by Captain America."
"Wow. Captain America is in the same room as me. Oh my god, I can hardly think straight." Vienna's voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"Alright so it's pretty clear you know who we are, but we don't know much about you Vienna." He responded calmly. Steve also noticed how she flinched when he said her name.

"Yeah there isn't much to know."

"How about you tell me about your time at HYDRA. Or your memories from before, or even how you get those scars on your back."

"Hmm let me think.... No, I'm not going to tell you anything, because you don't have a right to my memories."

"I might not but your father does."

"I don't have a father." Her voice was harsh and low.

"Yes you do. Nick Fury is your father and the last of your family."

"He hasn't been my family for a long time and I'm not planning on having a reunion anytime soon." Her words were laced with poison.

The other Avengers continued watching as Steve and Vienna spoke. The conversation continued with her denying any relationship with Fury and Steve trying to convince her to accept it. Their attention was pulled when none other than Fury himself walked in and greeted the team.

"Hello. You all can leave now. I would like to speak to her alone." His words were short and concise.

Natasha responded, "Sir i'm sorry but i'm afraid at least one of us has to stay for safety purposes."

"Fine, Romanoff can stay." Then he walked into the white room without another look in anyone else's direction. The rest of the avengers cleared out quickly and soon Cap joined Nat in the viewing room.

Vienna looks up at the man who just walked in. He freezes and stares at her. Silence falls over the room and neither of them notice the Captain leaving the room. Slowly Fury walks over and sits in the now-empty chair, his eyes never leaving Vienna's. Time passes and not a single sound is uttered.

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