~~part 36~~

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Vienna, Scott, Nat and Steve loaded up into the car, Vienna was behind the wheel because she was the only one who knew where she was going. She hadn't seen Tony for 8 months. Vienna knew that the other Avengers didn't talk to Tony as much but she wanted to stay in contact. As they drove, Vienna's mind wandered. She began to think of Morgan, Tony's daughter. Last time she saw her Morgan was 3. Vienna absolutely adored the little girl but didn't get to see her much. Even though she was the only one who tried to keep in contact, Tony and Vienna didn't see each other very often.

About 30 minutes later Vienna took a right and drove up a small driveway. At the end of it was Tony's cabin. Vienna pulled into the yard and climbed out. Her eyes immediately landed on Tony, Morgan was in his arms. She could hear the door close as the others got out of the car but Vienna didnt turn, instead she held Tony's eyes.

Nat led the way onto the porch as Tony walked out, his arms empty. There was a tray with 5 glasses on the small table and Vienna stayed standing as Nat, Tony, and Scott sat. Scott looked up at Steve for affirmation before explaining the plan to tony.

After hearing the plan Tony laughed and looked up, "I just want to thank you folks for dropping by. It's not every day one gets to contemplate biting it on an inter-dimensional timescape."

"You've got some objections to the plan." Nat confirmed with a nod.

Hre shrugged, "So you're calling it a plan. To me, it sounds like an exotic suicide method. Not to mention, it's impossible."

Scott leaned forward, "We know what it sounds like."

"Tony, after what you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve reasoned.

A scoff, "Quantum fluctuation kinda messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition, can we agree on that?" Tony held out a glass of tea to Vienna with a smirk, "In layman's terms, it means you can cancel your Netflix subscription because you're not coming home.

Scott interrupted, "I did."

Tony got serious, "Which was a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. Now you want to pull a-What are you calling it?"

Scott hesitated so Vienna spoke up, "A time heist."
Tony laughed, "Oh, of course, a time heist, why didn't we think of this before? Right, because it's a pipe dream. Who are you again?"

Scott realized he was asking him and stumbled over his words trying to answer, "S-Still Scott-t"

Steve stepped forward, "Tony, the Stones exist in the past. We could get them and bring them here."

"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back." Nat added

"Or screw it up worse than he already has."

Steve sighed, "I don't believe we would."

Vienna watched as Tony looked at Steve, she could sense a curtain of melancholy surrounding them.
"Gotta say it. Sometimes I've missed that giddy optimism. Sadly, all your high hopes won't help me if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said "time heist." I believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise."

Scott tried again, "Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel. No talking to our past selves. No betting on sporting events"

Tony held out a hand, "Stop, Scott. Stop. Are you telling me that your plan to save the universe is more than loosely based on Back to the Future?" He was met with silence, "meaning "yes""

Scott finally answered, "No"

"Good. Because that would be horseshit. Scientifically speaking, your brother's picture doesn't disappear just 'cause you went to the dance with your mom. That's not how quantum physics works."

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