~~part 20~~

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A.N- Part of this chapter is going to be first person POV for Vienna.

I knew that I had hit the ground but when I opened my eyes I was in a chair. A familiar chair. The chair I had sat in multiple times over the years, I turned my head to face a doctor holding a mouth guard. Reluctantly I unclenched my jaw and accepted the rubber. As it settled over my teeth the chair was reclined and my eyes met the ceiling as a metal contraption slid over my face. I felt the pain spread through my body. It had been years but I never forgot the feeling of my limbs going completely numb. The feeling of electricity spreading through my veins. The feeling of my memories, one of the only things i had left, being drained from my head. After what felt like an eternity the pain stopped. I couldn't remember what was happening but when i was adjusted to face forward again my eyes landed on a soldier walking over. I stared at him with blank eyes and he put a gun in my hands.

"Gudini, ya agent, poslannyy, chtoby podgotovit' tebya. Vy gotovy k sleduyushchey missii?" (Houdini, I'm an agent sent to prepare you. Are you ready for your next mission.) His voice was unwavering and I thought I recognized it but I didn't ask questions, I only answered.

"Gotovy sootvetstvovat'" (Ready to comply) He nodded and walked out of the room, I followed him. We walked up endless stairs until finally reaching the ground floor. The soldier turned into a room and gestured me inside. Once I was in he slipped around my back and left me. I spun back around to face the room but when I looked I was no longer in a room. I was on an empty street, 3 bodies behind me and one in front. I knelt down and raised the head of the man in front.

His dead eyes met mine and I fell backwards. I collected myself and leaned back in to meet Peter's eyes. A tear dripped down my cheek and I brought his head over to rest in my lap. Brushing his hair back, I spoke, "I'm sorry Peter, I didn't want to but you wouldn't have let me go. I couldn't go back to HYDRA." More tears fell as I continued tousling his hair. Then my hand froze as a voice came from below.

Peter was speaking, "You didn't have to kill me Vienna. You could have let me go but you didn't want to. I was a reminder of those you have killed," He was now climbing to his feet. He towered above me and slowly I began backing up, still on the ground, "You wouldn't let me live because you couldn't live knowing there was someone out there with all your secrets. I know you Vienna, better than anyone." I continued crawling backwards until one of my hands hit something and I tumbled over a girl's body. Her neck was sliced and there was a puddle of blood around her. I tried getting to my feet but Peter's hands pushed me back, into the puddle. My hands were covered in blood and as i backed up more i felt the sensation of falling.

I landed with a thud on the ground, but I wasn't on the street with Peter anymore, I was in an alley. A italian alley based on the street signs. I slowly climbed to my feet and looked down the alley. A loud crash called my attention and I watched a man up ahead curse as he looked down at Trash surrounding him. He had dropped his trash bag and bent down, grumbling while he picked up the waste. That's when I remembered why I was here. It was my mission to kill this man. My hand dropped my handgun and slipped it out of it's holster. Then creeping forward, I stalked up to the man's back and raised the gun. As if sensing my presence he turned. I was met with the face not of a man who had left HYDRA years ago but of a face of my partner. Barnes. I gasped and dropped my gun, he smiled and walked towards me, with nowhere to go, my back hit the wall.

He scoffed and swung his metal arm. Without thinking my hand flew out and I gripped his fist in mine. His brows furrowed and he began struggling to break my hold. After realizing very quickly that wasn't going to work he brought his knee to my side, hitting me with such strength i keeled over and dropped his fist. When i brought my head up again to meet his blue etes i found myself in a different room. I squinted and recognized the HYDRA training room. That's when they came, tens of agents all with the HYDRA symbol etched onto their clothing. They began coming closer and without any warning 3 of them came after me. The first one I grabbed by the throat until he ripped my hand off him and threw me to the ground. I tried to fight them off but slowly I let them beat me down, feeling the impact of every hit. I was sobbing and dying and I began to accept it

(Done with first person)

Steve shook Vienna violently. She had been hit by the Maximoff girl's mist pretty badly, like the rest of the team, and he knew he had to wake her up. Suddenly her hand was on his throat and when he looked her eyes were wide and glowing red. Her grip was iron strong and he grasped her arm, tring to pull her off him. He was losing all air so he did the only thing he could think of, he slapped her. Vienna didn't seem to wake instead she began fighting him again, pulling out her knife to accomplish whatever she wanted to do. She started slashing and Steve focused on keeping a strong defense, not wanting to hurt her. Then her hand came down on his face, making a deep gash over his right cheek. He backed up and when Vienna came at him again he noticed the tears streaming down her face and cried out,

"Vienna, stop. Please don't make me hurt you." She continued approaching and he knew he didn't have another option. Syeve grabbed her arms and head butted her. Quite effectively knocking her out and stopping the attack.

"Steve, do you have Vienna? Me, Thor Nat are on the jet and Tony is coming back now with Bruce. All we're missing is you two." Clint spoke over the comms and steve replied,

"Yeah I have Vienna, we are on our way back now." Then Steve scooped up Vienna in his arms and headed for the quinjet. Once they arrived he set Vienna down on a nearby table and covered her with a blanket.

"Jesus Steve, what happened?" Nat said, looking at his cut. She was in a corner and she was shivering, obviously affected by Wanda as well.

"Vienna." He stated before walking away without another word. The rest of the team looked at the unconscious girl with confusion. She looked so innocent lying there, helpless, they could still see the tear tracks left on her cheeks. The Avengers were feeling pretty useless after the video call with Maria so Clint had taken the wheel and began steering them to a safe house.

~4 Hours Later~
~Barton Household, Missouri~

Vienna was still unconscious, Tony had injected her with a sedative. They didn't want to risk her waking up and attacking someone again.

"Alright guys, we're here." Clint announced, turning away from the controls. The door opened up to reveal a large field and a quaint white house. Linking Nat's arm around his shoulders, Clint exited and began making his way to the house. Slowly the other heroes followed, Vienna in Cap's arms again. As they entered Clint yelled out, "Honey, I'm home." A heavily pregnant woman walked out of the kitchen and greeted Clint with a kiss on the cheek before staring at the discouraged group behind him with wide eyes

"This is an agent of some kind." Tony whispered.

Then Clint said, "Gentleman, this is Laura."
Laura spoke, with a gentle voice, "I know all your names." They all stare at her awkwardly, jammed in the small living room before their attention is pulled by pounding on the stairs.

Clint laughed and turned to face two children, "Ooh, incoming."

"Dad!" The little girl calls out, launching herself into Clint's arms.

Clint greeted her with a large smile and kissed the boy's head as well, "Hi, sweetheart! Hey, buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh..."

"These are...smaller agents." Steve watched as Natasha greeted the children and Laura with joy but was quickly distracted by Thor walking out of the house. Still carrying Vienna he followed the god outside.

"Thor." He called out

Thor turned to face him with a solemn face before explaining, "I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here." Then he swung his hammer and flew off. Steve scoffed and headed back inside when a voice sounded in his head.

"We can go home." Peggy Carter said, it was what she had said in his dream. He held Vienna tighter and walked back into the house.

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter but i'm still figuring out how exactly i'm going to work out fitting Vienna into the rest of this movie.

I'm also going to say now that Vienna does have powers but she has unconsciously suppressed them. She got them from Strucker's experiments and she doesn't even know she has them. Her actual powers will be introduced before Civil war but she won't really use them until the airport scene.

It's also important to state Vienna doesn't think of herself as an Avenger and the other's don't either. So that is going to be a large obstacle for her. As always, thank you for reading, please vote and comment. See you next update.

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