~~part 35~~

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The streets were silent, like always, but Vienna walked them everyday. Her and Steve's apartment was on the outskirts of brooklyn and Vienna would walk for hours. she didn't have a destination, no goal, she just needed to be alone. today was Wednesday which meant Steve would be at group therapy. When Vienna walked, Steve talked.

   As she walked Vienna looked at all the cars, they had been there for years. there wasn't anyone that cared enough to move them. Nat was still working, she kept the avengers going when nobody else would. Vienna respected her even more for it but she didn't care enough to help. she didn't really care about anything anymore.

suddenly her phone rang and vienna lifted it to her ear, "hello?" Her voice was hoarse after being silent for so long.

"Hey baby, the session is over and I'm headed back. Do you still want to come with me to visit natasha." Steve's voice greeted her and Vienna subconsciously cracked a smile at the pet name.

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the apartment and we can head out. I really need to see Tasha."

"Ok, see you soon. love you"

"I love you Steve."  Vienna hung up and turned around. She began running back to the apartment and because of her speed she reached her destination in 10 minutes.

Vienna punched in the code and swung open the lobby door, "Hey chuck, how's it going?" She greeted the man at the front desk with a grim smile.

"As well as it had been for the past 5 years." he responded with a straight face and a hunched back. Vienna chuckled dryly and made a beeline for the stairwell. Then she made her way up to the apartment and let herself in. Steve was already home and Vienna could hear music coming from the kitchen. She walked in to see Steve dicing tomatoes at the kitchen counter. There was an old 40's song playing in the background and Vienna took a minute to enjoy the sight.

Then she raised her fist and gently knocked on the door jam, alerting Steve to her presence. He turned around with a crooked smile on his face and explained, "We don't have to leave for the compound for a couple hours so I thought I would make dinner." Vienna smiled and walked towards him. looking behind him she could see a pot of pasta on the stove and another of sauce.

As she walked forward to taste the sauce she could sense Steve behind her. He slowly put his hands on her waist and turned her around. Once she was facing him he reached his arm around her to turn up the radio on the counter before looking down at her.

"Dance with me, Vienna. '' he said softly, grasping her hand. Vienna melted into him and laid her head on his shoulder. The couple swayed to the old song and for just a minute they forgot their woes and focused on. each other. but eventually the song ended and the fantasy faded and they were left with the disappointment of reality.

                                  ~2 hours later~

As Vienna and Steve stepped onto the foyer of the compound for the first time in too long Steve turned towards Vienna and said, "I've gotta check on something but you go ahead, I'll meet you in a minute."

"ok that's fine" Vienna responded as Steve kissed her on the cheek before making his way up the stairs. Vienna turned down the opposite wall and made her way towards the main conference room. She walked into a large meeting but caught herself before walking into anyone's eyeline. Vienna paused and waited as the remaining avengers and Natasha said their farewells. Vienna noticed that Rhodey stayed through. Just as she was about to listen to their conversation Steve snuck up behind her. Vienna felt his hands on her waist as he turned her around and laughed.

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