~~part 4~~

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~New York City Apartment~
~ 1 Day After Vienna Arrived~
~June 16th 2012~

Vienna had arrived 1 day ago and in the past 20 hours had searched her apartment from top to bottom checking for bugs or cameras. After deeming it safe she had headed up to the roof and set up a scope facing the Stark tower. Since then nothing had happened, no action at all. She had walked around a little but was too paranoid to go too far. But she had found a cute little cafe that served something called a mocha latte, it was delicious.

Vienna sighed and leaned her head back, cracking her neck. She stared at her half empty cup and couldn't muster the will to finish it. Her waitress, a pretty blonde whose name tag read Beth, came over and cleared Vienna's plates. "Thanks Beth." Vienna pulled out a 20 and left it under the napkin dispenser then waved at Beth before walking away.

When she had made it back to her apartment she decided to take the stairs and walked up all 20 flights. Vienna waved to Tom, her next door neighbor and then unlocked her door and slipped inside. She had to admit, it was nice to have neighbors. She had only been here a day but she had seen Beth 3 times and Tom welcomed her into the building with a plate of homemade cookies. Vienna felt peaceful here. As soon as she turned to shut her door that was a roar and a crash as the ground shook.

It stopped within a minute but Vienna wasted no time as she ran out to check on the others on this floor. After assuring herself everyone was fine, she flew up the stairs. Checking each floor before reaching the roof. The door leading to the rook slammed open and Veinna was paralyzed as she looked up and saw the swirling portal above Manhattan. Vienna's eyes widened as she noticed ships flying out of it. There were humanoid shapes exiting the whirlpool faster than she could count. When she finally shook herself out of it, Vienna darted over to her scope still facing the tower. Her breath caught as she noticed Loki and Thor Odinson battling on the open floor. They were moving too fast for her to make out many of their movements and as she focused she caught a glimpse of Thor's mighty hammer, Mjolnir, as it flew into his outstretched hand.

As she continued watching a flash of scarlet wooshed past and she left the scope behind to stare at Ironman as he flew past. The flashy suit stopped and levitated for a minute and then her attention was pulled by the sound of a jet flying in. Vienna moved to her scope again and scanned the occupants. Captain America, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton exited. THe whole gang was here, except Bruce Banner. The team wasted no time getting to work and shooting down the creatures. Vienna looked back up and saw a huge centipede-like creature exit the portal along with hundreds of other aliens.

Vienna scrambled for her pocket and pulled out an earpiece she used on other HYDRA missions. After reaching for the computer she stashed up here with the scope and hacked into the radio frequency she hoped was the right one, then slipped the device onto her ear.  THe connection was spotty and she could barely hear anything. Giving a huff of frustration she looked back down to see Dr. Banner had rode in on a beaten up motorcycle. Those on the ground, thor had joined them, were having a short conversation but she couldn't hear enough to decipher it. She did see Banner shift into a green mass of muscle though and stared in amazement as he slammed his fist into the centipede Stark had been leading around.

After Stark had finished off the beast most of the avengers split up to take on different areas, Ironman lifts clint up to a nearby building and then flies off to check the perimeter. Thor swings his hammer and lands on the top of a tower, aiming bolts of lightning to the portal entrance, Banner leaped onto a building and started tearing the creatures apart. Both Rogers and Romanoff stay on the ground and charge the army.

From there on its chaos, Vienna can't find just one place to look. Each avenger is fighting for their life and saving civilians along the way. Vienna swings the scope around to focus on Rogers and sees a familiar face behind him, at least she knew Beth was safe. AS she looked around again, searching for Stark, her eyes met Barton's blue ones. Vienna froze hoping his eyes would just continue but they didn't. He looked closer with a look of concern before being alerted to the aliens increasing behind him. After spinning to fight them off he leaps off the building turning in air to shoot his last arrow and catch himself before slamming into the side of a building, shattering the glass and rolling to a stop safely inside.

Clint jumped up forming a plan on how to help when he thought of the girl. Who was she? Why was she on the roof of a building instead of safe, off the streets? He wasn't going to let her die. Bounding down the stairs and exiting the building he scanned the area and found the building she was on. Clint pulled the daggers out of his sheaths and sprinted to her building. He threw himself up the stairs and finally reached the roof. When he flung open the door he saw her. Dressed all in back with 2 daggers on her thighs and a gun in her hand, he froze. She turned to look at him, smiled and fell backwards, right off the side of the building. Clint gasped and ran to find her gone. There was no trace of her on the ground or anywhere else. Trying to make sense of what happened a voice spoke in his ear.

"I can do it, I can shut the portal." Finally Nat had some good news.

"Do it." Cap ordered. Clint started racing down the stairs so he could regroup with the rest of the team.

"No, wait!" Clint stopped, did he hear panic in Tony's voice?

"Stark, these things are still coming!"

"I got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." Stark sounded determined which only made Clint go faster as he burst out of the building and headed over to where Cap was. They both stared as Stark started moving up, towards the vortex.

"Stark, you know that's a one-way trip?" Thor and Banner had joined them as they watched Stark enter the vortex. Minutes passed, "Close it." Cap was not going to risk New York. As the vortex closed a speck of red and gold shot out, hurtling to the ground.

"He's not slowing down."Thor noticed as the suit continued falling, picking up speed. Just before Thor made a move to try to save him, Hulk snatched Tony out of the air and slammed into a building, the girls building.

"What the hell? What just happened?Please tell me nobody kissed me?" Tony woke as Hulk hollered behind him.

"We won." Cap answered with a chuckle.

"Alright. Hey. Alright. Good job, guys.Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

"We're not finished yet.." Thor answered Stark with a grim face, looking up at the Stark tower.

"And then shawarma after."

Vienna woke with a jerk, her whole body ached. After leaping off the building and bursting through one of the apartments 7th floor's window she was bruised. Groaning she pushed off the ground and to a standing position. Scanning the room she saw she was in a small kitchen. Vienna shuffled to the window and saw the vortex had closed. Squinting she saw a flash of red before Banner leaped out of nowhere and gripped iron man as he rapelled down to the ground. All of the Avengers gathered around Tony Stark until he woke. That's when she fainted.

About 30 minute later she awoke again and looked out the window once more. There were SUVs and agents of SHIELD milling about. Stumbling to the doorway, Vienna made her way down to the street to fully take in the damage of the buildings.  Damn This was one of her shittier birthdays

Authors Notes
hiii, so that is it for this part. She saw the Battle of New York and Clint knows she exists, yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!  She still has like 2 weeks in New York  to collect info. Also If you are reading this, thank you. It means a lot even if it's only 3 of you. If you think I should add something just put it into a comment and I will look them over. I will always accept constructive criticism.
-Sage 🧋

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