~~part 6~~

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~2 Months Later~
~Viennas Apartment~
It had been 2 months since Vienna was supposed to go back to Russia. She had stayed. Vienna knew she couldn't go back to her old life without researching those who might've been in her other one. After discovering Nick Fury shared a last name with her she went back to her apartment and ransacked it. She grabbed all of the money and weapons HYDRA gave her for emergencies and any other essentials. After collecting her supplies she ran. She stole and hotwired a car and loaded up as much as she could then she left, headed for Brooklyn.

Once she made it she had got a room in a hotel, used a fake name and cash for her room and searched all the weapons and money for tracking devices. She found 2 and attached them to the lamp next to the bed. Then she made a list of all the supplies and how she could last. She had 4 handguns but she was low on ammo, she also had 6 throwing knives and 2 daggers.  She also had 7500 dollars in cash. Vienna had not dared bring the laptop, it was too dangerous. It would be a pain in the ass but she would have to get a new one and alter the hardware to be able to sneak into both HYDRA and SHIELD files.

THat was another problem. SHIELD was probably searching for her and HYDRA would come after her, she was too valuable an asset to be cut loose. But Vienna had other priorities. She couldn't go back to the apartment and she would need a new ID. That she could get easy enough but she was going to need a place to stay, somewhere small, out of the way. The next week was spent getting her shit together. Since then she had moved from shithole apartments and motels to other shithole apartments and motels every week or so. Staying safe and quiet.

The money had run out but she had hacked into Stark industries and was slowly draining just a little bit of money at a time. It was stupid and dangerous but it was also the only plan she had. The first couple weeks had been hectic, she had to make sure no one would be able to find her or recognize her so she had switched out her braids for a more natural look and tried not to interact with anyone. For the first time in weeks, Vienna felt safe.  She should've known it wasn't going to last.

Vienna had just picked up a coffee and was heading back to this week's crap apartment when she heard a voice behind her.
"Ahh a mocha latte, I would have thought that would be too sweet for you." Vienna tensed as her best friend's voice reached her ears. She let out a small gasp and turned to face Peter, her fellow HYDRA agent.

"Peter, wh-what are you doing here. You're supposed to be back in Russia." Vienna's voice was weak.

"So are you. HYDRA isn't happy one of their strongest agents tried to escape. They thought I might be able to convince you. Vienna if you don't come with me i have orders to kill you. Please don't make me." Peter sounded determined, Vienna knew he wasn't going to give up easy. Those 3 other agents behind him wouldn't either. All 4 of them were about 20 feet from her at the other end of the street. Thankfully it was empty, there were no civilians around who could get into danger.

"Well, I see you brought friends. Scared you wouldn't be able to take me by yourself?" Vienna put on a brave face but inside she could barely breathe. Taking out the other agents would be easy but Peter was her friend and her partner, he knew her weaknesses and strengths. Not to mention she has not sparred for 2 months.

Peter opened his mouth and Vienna assumed he was going to answer her but instead only one word came out,"Attack." Vienna swore and pulled out 2 throwing knives. The agents barreling towards her were armed but she was nimble and evaded the first attack. 2 of them started to fight her as the other one and Peter hung back. Vienna huffed and knocked the first one out with an easy roundhouse. The other was faster and dodged her punch. Vienna took a knee to the stomach but shoved her knife into the agent's side before she really absorbed the impact. As soon as the agent was down Vienna retrieved her knife and slashed the first one's inner thigh. She wasn't going to risk anything.
Peter stayed back and observed as the final agent shot at Vienna. One of the bullets grazed her shoulder but the rest missed. Vienna ran towards the agent and ducked the fist aimed for her face. A swift kick to the lower back sent the agent flying forward and before they could stand Vienna was over them pulling their head up and with 1 swift move Vienna had flipped her knife and sliced the throat of the poor agent below her. Vienna dropped the agent's hair and listened to the crack as their chin met the road.

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