~~part 33~~

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~Days after Thanos~
~Avengers Compound~

Vienna was sitting in her room, since the snap she had barely spoken. The others were already trying to find out how to bring everyone back but Vienna couldn't. After Wakanda they had returned home, that's when she found out Fury had blipped away as well. She had been through a lot but watching her friends drift away on the wind had affected her more deeply than anything else, she was numb. Pulling herself out of her daze Vienna stood up and walked through the empty halls. The compound was occupied by Natasha, Steve, Rhodey, Bruce and herself. There wasn't anyone else left. After the battle with Thanos half of the world died, there was destruction raging around the globe, the Avengers couldn't do anything, they were short staffed. Thor and the rodent had left and hadn't told anyone if they would return or not.

Vienna walked into the common room to see Steve and Nat standing around a live hologram, it was projecting the amount of deaths around the world, the number just kept growing. Steve looked over as she walked in and she could tell he wanted to smile or comfort her in some way, but he couldn't. None of them could.

"This is a nightmare." Steve said, staring at images sent in from around the Earth, pictures of fires and riots.

Nat responded, "I've had better nightmares." Vienna sighed and was about to agree when Rhodey walked in.

"Hey. So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing." He announced.
Steve looked at Vienna in confusion before all four of them walked into a small chamber room. In the center was a machine, it was analyzing a transmitter device. Bruce was studying it as well. Vienna stepped closer to look at the device. It was found next to where Fury had disappeared. It seemed like his last act was using it to send a message but nobody knew what that message was.

Tash asked, "What have we got?"

Bruce shrugged, "Whatever the signal is sending, it finally creeped off."

"I thought we bypassed the battery." Vienna turned around.

"We did. It's still plugged in, it just... it just stopped." Rhodes replied.

Steve sighed and ordered, "Reboot and send the signal again."

Banner argued, "We don't even know what this is."

Vienna commented, "Fury did. Just do it, please. You tell me the second you get a signal. We want to know who's on the other end of that thing." Then she turned back around to look at the pager, before it turned off there was a symbol on it but they didn't know what.

Vienna straightened up when she sensed an unfamiliar presence. As she turned Vienna saw a blonde woman in a red, blue, and gold suit staring straight at Nat. Vienna stepped forward as the woman spoke, "Where's Fury?" Natasha instantly turned her head to look at Vienna.

Vienna answered the stranger's question, "Nick Fury is dead. Who are you?"

The woman's face fell as she stepped away, "I'm Carol Danvers. Fury sent me a message, I came as quickly as i coud." She puased, "What do you mean he's dead?"

"Haven't you heard Carol, half of the world is." Vienna stepped forward again, she was now shoulder to shoulder with Nat.

"What are you talking about? And who are you?" Danvers stood where she was but her gaze met Vienna's.

"I'm Vienna Fury, Nick Fury was my father."


Vienna paced the floor, Carol, Nat, and Steve were seated across from her. About an hour ago Steve had explained what had happened with Thanos then Carol told them of her history with Fury. Vienna was having trouble processing that this woman had a large part in Fury's life.

Vienna froze suddenly and turned to Steve, "I need a minute." Then she walked out of the room and started running down the hallways. She took several turns, trying to lose herself in the large compound before she stumbled onto a large room that she had been in many times before. It was a training room made specifically for Vienna. After Tony had discovered her power he made this room for her to improve. It was filled with different metal objects that Vienna had trained with. She hadn't been in this room for years and now it was just a reminder of what life used to be. Vienna wandered to the middle of the room and dropped to her knees. Tears began falling down her cheeks. It was the first time she had cried since the snap.

As Vienna kneeled there she began to feel the loss of Wanda, and Sam, and Bucky, and her father. All of the emotions that she had held back finally broke free and without realizing it Vienna unleashed a huge amount of power. Every metal object in the room was lifted and as Vienna cried her eyes glowed green and the objects began rising even higher. A surge of green light began to grow and as Vienna cried even harder it threw all the objects into the walls. The support of the room collapsed and the roof above her fell, Vienna subconsciously protected herself but even with the walls around her demolished she still cried. Vienna screamed and sobbed and still the power around her grew until she had used up so much of her energy that Vienna fell, unconscious, to the ground.

The rest of the avengers had heard the crumbling of the building and ran to where Vienna lay. Steve stumbled into the room and his eyes settled on his love, his love who had been hurt and who had finally taken enough. Slowly Steve walked over to Vienna and scooped up her body. Nat, Bruce, Rhodes, and Carol watched as Cap walked past them with Vienna in his arms.

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