~~part 38~~

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~Time Heist- Day 3~

"Okay, we have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot." Steve said. He was standing in front of the board. There was a large web connecting 6 stones to 4 locations to 11 heroes. So Nebula and Rhodey are going to Morag and retrieving the power stone. Me, Tony, Scott, and Bruce will go to New York and get the time, space and mind stones. Rocket, Thor and Vi will go to Asgard for the reality stone. That leaves Nat and Clint to go to Virmir for the soul stone." Cap explained everyone's roles and Vienna immediately stood.

"No, are you crazy? I'm going with Nat and clint. Asgard is going to be one of the safest, Thor and the rodent can take care of it." She argued.

Steve walked to her, "That's why you're going with them. I'm not going to put you in extra danger."

"That's bullshit and you know it. I'm not going to let two of the people without powers go to the planet we know next to nothing about. I'm going with them and you can't stop me."

Steve softened almost immediately as his eyes met hers and he nodded, "Fine, you will go to Vormir with them but you come back safe. Deal?"

"Deal" Vienna smiled

Vienna and Nat went to the lab where their time suits were hanging. They slipped them on and gathered their weapons. Vienna took her knives, Nat took her widow bites and two gins. The women prepped in silence. Then when they had finished, they faced each other. Natasha extended her hand and grabbed Vienna's.

"Listen Vi. I have lived my life with coworkers and associates. But the Avengers changed that. I finally have a family and you have been a part of that. You have been my sister and my friend. I just want you to know that before we go out on what could be our last mission."

Vienna bit back her tears and looked at her friend with a melancholy smile, " Last mission? Don't say stuff like that. If we don't come back, who's going to run the Avengers, Steve?" She suggested with a laugh. Nat smiled and the two women shared a hug. It only lasted a few moments but they both relaxed in each other's arms.


"Five years ago, we lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost our family. We lost a part of ourselves. But today we have a chance to take it all back. You have your teams and you have assignments. Get your stone, and get back here. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going back to places we know. That doesn't mean we know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. Improvise, if you have to. This is the fight of our lives. And we're going to win. Whatever it takes." Steve's voice filled the platform. Everyone had gathered, in the time suits prepared to complete this mission and return to when everyone can come back.

The platform stays quiet as Rocket whispers to Scott, "He's pretty good at that." Bruce stepped Onto the platform just as it began to vibrate.

Natasha looked around and told her eyes met Steve's, "See you in a minute." she smiled just before everybody stretched and vanished, shrinking away.

~Morag, 2014~

Vienna yawned and stretched, she had been sitting in the spaceship for 10 minutes while Rhodey and Nebula adjusted their supplies. as she sat she surveyed the planet. There were steep cliffs and geysers exploding. Rihanna's leg suddenly kicked out as some creature crawled across it, "Hey, can we hurry it up?" She announced,

"Yeah, come on, chop chop, we're on the clock, here." Natasha agreed.

all right alright, we're done now. Get your impatient asses on the ship, Rhodes chastised.

Clint and Natasha climbed into the ship and, after giving Rhodes brief hugs, they situated themselves in the pilot's seats and Vienna turned to Nebula and Rhodes, "Take care of yourself."

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