~~part 24~~

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~2 months later~

Vienna grunted as she raised the large metal weight above her head, a faint green aura surrounding it, before throwing it across the field. As it flew Vienna picked up another one and repeated the action. She did it over and over until the 10 weights she had started with were on the other side of the field. Slowly Vienna dropped down and fell onto her knees, there she sat for a few moments before turning her head to look at The Avengers. The team had gathered to watch her and were looking down from a watchtower Tony installed last month.

"And when did you find out she could do this." Tony spun in his chair to face Nat and Steve.

"We originally found out 2 months ago and me and Vienna told the team 6 weeks ago." Steve answered, looking at Tony.

"Ok so you found out that Fury's daughter and one of the trainers has superpowers and didn't think to tell me until 2 months later. Have you even told Fury?" Tony's voice rose as he stood up from his chair and stared at The team. Yesterday was the first time Tony had heard anything about Vienna's powers and had immediately made the trip to review her. Steve and Vienna kept the secret for a couple weeks, to ensure Vienna could accept it. Then they told the rest of the team and she began working with Vision and Wanda to train. She still trained everyone in combat and stealth but she needed help too.

"Listen Tony she wasn't ready. It was hard enough on her with HYDRA but after realizing they did more than just inject her with the supersoldier serum, she needed time. And yes we told Fury, he spent the last 2 weeks here with her. He left this morning before you arrived." Nat spoke up and Tony turned to look at her.

"Fine, but i'm sticking around for a couple days and keeping track of her progress. And from now if one of you finds out you can manipulate metal or some shit, please let me know." He scoffed and walked out of the door, heading downstairs. Steve drifted over to the window as the rest of the team left as well. He gazed outside, at Vienna. She was still sitting down but he noticed her hands moving and a weight floating. Her hands were glowing green and so was the weight. The green was a new development and it really only showed when she controlled something big or heavy. Then he watched her stand up and begin making her way towards the compound. Steve spun around and raed down the stairs, running into the compound and grabbed viennas arm as she entered too. He pulled her along, into a nearby conference room, and turned to face her. He noted her slight frown and the bags under her eyes.

"What do you want, Steve." Her voice was raspy and low. She hadn't been sleeping and she barely ate. It was beginning to affect her enhanced body.

"Vienna, please just talk to me." He begged still grasping her arm, slowly his hand drifted down and he interlocked their fingers. Then he leaned against the table, halfway sitting on it, bringing him level to her.

"Nothings wrong Steve, I'm fine, just tired."

"I know that's not the case. Please Vienna, just tell me." He pulled her closer, there was only a small space between them now.

Vienna tightened her other hand, making a fist, as she turned away from Steve and dropped his hand.

"I haven't been sleeping." She confessed.

"Why not."

"Nightmares," she answered reluctantly, "Ever since i started using my,... powers, they have been getting worse."

"Why didn't you tell me." Stev tried to pry the answer out of her, "I could've helped."

"No, you couldn't have."

"Why?" He asked, sounding hurt.

"Because they were about you... and Fury, Tash, Wanda, Tony. Everyone I care about. I have nightmares that i'm still under HYDRA's control, that they order me to hurt you or kill you." Her voice broke on kill and Steve softened, reaching for her again.

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