~~part 9~~

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~New Motel~
~5 Days After Escape~
Vienna was bored. She had been in this motel room for the past 2 days. She hadn't dared even step outside for fear of being sighted and captured again. She knew the Avengers would be after her, she injured them and made a mockery of them by escaping. Vienna figured that if she just stayed out of the way and didn't make any scenes they might give up or lose interest. Then she could leave New York and finally have her own life. But maybe she didn't deserve her own life. She killed Peter, the only person who ever made her feel loved. Every night since his death Vienna had been plagued by nightmares, and was scared to sleep at night because she might be reminded of him. Vienna had been running, not from HYDRA or SHIELD, but from her actions since her first kill.

~Flashback-7 years ago~

    Peirce entered her room, "Ah, Vienna nice to see you again. I'm here because I was told by your instructor that you have been improving nicely. Of course you have been trained before and now you're adjusting to our curriculum." He smiled and sat beside Vienna, "Now because of your progress I brought you a treat." Vienna looked up hopefully and watched with wide eyes as Peirce whistled. Two HYDRA agents walked in the cell, dragging another man behind them. Vienna's room was small and the amount of people in it was becoming claustrophobic. The man who was dragged in was blindfolded. Vienna looked at the guards questioningly.

    "This man is an agent of HYDRA, Agent Oblonsky but this man is also a traitor to the cause. He betrayed us and gave out information that would put us in danger. So i have decided his punishment should be handed to him by someone who needs to learn that betraying HYDRA is not a good idea." Pierce nodded at one of the agents holding Oblonskyin place and the man reached into his holster and handed Vienna his gun.

    "You want me to shoot him?" Vienna was scared but not surprised. She had heard older agents bragging about their many kills, this would be her first.

    "Yes Vienna, i want you to kill him. I am going to remove his blindfold and you are going to shoot him right between the eyes. Okay?"

    "Yes sir." Vienna took the gun, stood up from the bed and flicked off the safety. She had trained with guns and was very good at shooting them. Peirce reached over and snatched the hood off Oblonsky. His eyes darted around the room and when they met Vienna's they widened.

    "Pozhaluysta, malen'kaya devochka, ne delay mne bol'no. YA ne sdelal nichego plokhogo."(Please little girl, don't hurt me. I have done nothing wrong) Vienna took a deep breath, raised the gun and shot him, right between the eyes. As his body fell backwards and blood started flooding out of the wound Vienna did not react. In fact, it almost felt satisfying, to know she had helped this organization. She was proud and as she looked to Pierce it seemed he was too.

~End Flashback~

    That was a time when Vienna had believed the best thing you could do in life was help HYDRA. Thankfully she had grown out of that phase rather quickly when they started experimenting on her. Vienna had to admit, killing was easy for her, she almost never felt guilty, she did feel as though it was destroying her mind, slowly.

    But Vienna had to stop thinking about that, to keep her mind busy she had been researching Fury more. His file was secure but to her it was child's play. There was one part that was difficult to get open. Vienna had been working on it for the past 2 days and had barely gotten anywhere. There were 8 locks at varying levels of security keeping it safe. She had gotten past the first 3 but the 4th was impossible. Ugh whatever, she could do it later, right now she had to get out of this room. There was an old gym down the street. Vienna hasn't even left her room so going all the way to the gym was dangerous, but the room seemed smaller every hour and if she didnt get out soon she might just explode.

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