~~part 5~~

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~1 Week After Battle of New York~
Vienna dropped her last bag on the bed with a sigh of relief. She had spent the last week in a hotel, after the battle her building had been pretty messed up and no one was allowed in. But good old billionaire Mr. Stark had made this building one of the top priorities and although it was still under heavy construction, tenants had started moving back in. Vienna had spent the last week hacking into SHIELD and Stark's files. She still had a mission, to fill in the blanks. Stark and Rogers had pretty open backgrounds and Thor was pretty easy to figure out too. Banner had taken some time but eventually she figured out exactly why he turned into a huge green monster. Then came Barton and Romanoff. With enough digging she figured out Barton's story, which was soooo BORING. Romanoff was locked up tight though. Nothing she tried worked and eventually she gave up, leaving the work to future Vienna.

But finally, Vienna could move back into her apartment. She was a little upset that she only had a week left but was prepared to live it up as much as she could. Her stomach growled and Vienna walked into the kitchen to grab a quick snack. As she settled into the couch she looked around the room and soaked in the room.
It looked like what she wanted her cell to look like back in russia. The living room was very neutral with brightly colored furniture that made Vienna happy anytime she walked in. Her room had a huge tapestry of the night sky and a fluffy rug that warmed her feet. Ughh she wasn't ready to go back to the cold dark rooms of the bunker. Vienna harrumphed and decided she wasn't going to spend the rest of her mission moping around the apartment. She jumped up and slipped into something more comfortable. A loose shirt, some running shoes, a light black jacket and athletic black pants. She might need to be active and didn't want to risk restriction.

Then after making her way down the stairs, saying hello to anyone she passed, Vienna started down the block. She didn't really have a plan but she knew she didn't want to stay cooped up anymore. Vienna waited till it was clear and ran across the street to Stark Tower. AS she walked past, head down, she saw 2 figures in the alley next to the tower. Both were suspicious and Vienna felt a tingle telling her to follow them. She kept quiet and they led her to a heavily armored Jeep. Both of the targets slipped off their hoods and Vienna found herself staring at Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. They jumped inside the Jeep and it pulled out into the street. Vienna smiled and slid a tracking device out of her pocket. Before the vehicle got to far Vienna cocked her arm back and flung the disc. It landed on the back door and a chime sounded from her Phone as she pulled it out and looked at the Jeep's location.

Vienna looked around and spotted a motorcycle in the far corner of the alley. It was haphazardly covered with a blanket but Vennaa tore it off and jumped on. After a couple of tries she successfully hotwired the bike and revved the engine. It had been a while since her last ride but she could remember the basics. Vienna hurtled down the alley and turned into traffic. It was a pretty small bike and Vienna swerved around cars with ease. After catching up to the Jeep enough to keep it within her sights but not enough to arouse suspicion, Vienna slowed down and relaxed, it was all downhill from here.

After about 15 minutes of transit the Jeep pulled off into a parking garage and Vienna followed. She kept it slow and quiet. Before they got too far in, Vienna pulled to the side and cut the engine. Leaving it there she went ahead on foot. The Jeep went up the levels of the parking garage before stopping. The 2 agents jumped out of the car and went to stand by the elevator. Vienna noticed Romanoff was now holding a silver briefcase. The two conferred quickly before the elevator dinged and the doors opened to show a man. He was tall and clothed in a long, black coat. As Vienna tried to get a closer look by sneaking forward, her foot dragged and her new shoes slid across the shiny floor creating a large SQUEAK. All three people flinched, turned and stared directly at her. Before Panic kicked in, Vienna saw the mystery man's eyes, one was covered by a black eyepatch. Vienna froze, an image flashed in front of her, a little girl running through a hall carrying a black eye patch above her head like a medal. As soon as she saw the image it disappeared and as the scene faded Vienna was brought back to reality. The reality of 3 deadly agents all running toward her.
"Oh shit, goddamn it shoe" Vienna took off, sprinting away. The three agents split up and tried to corner her but Vienna was too smart and jumped down one of the staircases. She landed a few levels down and paused, if she didn't hear any sounds then she could move on but she wouldn't risk getting caught. After a few seconds, that seemed like hours, Vienna deemed it safe and started to creep down the stairs. She had barely taken a step when Romanoff leaped on top of her and wrapped her legs around viennas head.

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