~~part 14~~

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~One Week After the Battle at the Triskelion~
~Secret SHIELD Facility~

"Natasha, have you found anything." Fury walked into the conference room and questioned the assassin.

"No, I've been searching the files but i can't find hers." Romanoff, Fury, Sam, and Rogers had been looking for information on the Winter Soldier and Houdini since the fall of SHIELD. Bucky Barnes's file was easier, Romanoff called in a favor from one of her associates, Houdini was more difficult. The only information would be in the HYDRA files. Even though they were now open to the public some of them still needed to be decoded.

"Hey guys, you find anything." Steve walked in with Sam at his side.

"Not yet, i'm still working on it." Nat answered.
"Well how long do we have? I mean, you are still planning on leaving right?" Steve asked.

"I'm heading out in 4 days, I've stuck around too long and I'm technically dead so i have to get the hell out." Fury answered.

"Me too, all my covers are blown, gotta go figure out a new one." Romanoff looked up from the computer and answered as well.

"Me and Sam already have a plan to find Bucky, I want to try to find Houdini while we are at it but we are running out of time."

"If we don't find anything on her in the next 3 days we have to quit. I would like to know who she is but i'm not willing to risk everything." Fury stated.

"Oh my god." Natasha called out, looking up from her computer.

"What is it?" Sam replied first as all 3 men gathered around the table.

"I found her file."

"Well read it, i don't have all day." Fury demanded.

"Ok, jeez. There is not a lot of info. Her birthday is june 16th, 1996. She was taken by HYDRA on July 5th 2004. She has brown eyes, black hair. She was trained in karate, kickboxing and judo. God, there is a huge list of her missions. She has done multiple by herself but in the past 2 years she has also done a lot with Bucky." Nat began reading off information about Houdini and Fury froze in his seat. The birthday, the day she was taken. What are the chances?

"What's her name?"His voice was raspy and stressed.

"Ummm, give me a second." Romanoff kept scrolling and reading.

"Her name, NOW."His voice was lower now, and loud.

"Ok let me find it," Everyone looked at Fury with surprise in their eyes, why was he angry?

"Ok her name is Vienna Nicole..." Nat faltered, her eyes read on and then darted to meet Fury's, "Her name is Vienna Nicole Fury." Sam and Steve turned to look at Fury, a question in their eyes.

"Vienna" Fury's voice broke as he said his daughter's name, a single tear slipped down his cheek. "Houdini is Vienna?"

"Yes sir. I just checked the family tree listed as well and it confirms it." Natasha replied softly.

"She's alive, She has been alive this entire time." Fury's voice was so quiet it could barely be heard, "They couldn't find her, they told me she was dead. And now youre saying she was taken by HYDRA. You're saying Alexander Pierce took my little girl."

Steve, Nat, and Sam left the room as more tears fell down Fury's face. They walked into the hallway and started to talk.

"Who the hell is Vienna?"Sam questioned as soon as the door was closed.

"Vienna is Fury's daughter, no one knew about her until 10 years ago when she was taken. Everyone found out that she was his daughter and they looked for her for years but she was eventually declared dead. Fury never talks about her but i don't think he ever gave up hope that she was still alive" Natasha explained.

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