~~part 11~~

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~2 Years Later~
~HYDRA Base~

Vienna had just settled into bed for the night and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She had just gotten back from a mission in Finland with the Winter Soldier and was exhausted. Their mission had been to assassinate a HYDRA scientist that had been suspected of leaking information to other organizations. It was pretty routine, Vienna and Barnes had teamed up several times over the past 2 years and she was the only one he would work with. After killing the scientist, on the plane ride back, Vienna and Barnes came back to the base. She immediately returned to her room to get some rest before the mission report tomorrow. A few hours later Vienna was jolted awake by a dream.


Snap. The sound of Peter's neck echoed through her body. An arrow exploded in her hand. A red, white, and blue shield came flying at her face. The Winter Soldier's metal fist flew into her face. The one-eyed man held her by her neck. The red haired assassin strangled her with her legs. She read a report, stating she was Vienna Fury. She stared straight at the archer on the other building. The motorcycle revved under her as she escaped the agents.

~End of Dream/Memory~

Vienna had awoken, gasping, trying to get air in her lungs. After she had calmed down Vienna sat up and tried to make sense of her nightmare. She had been getting these every night for the last month. They always felt so real but she could never understand what was really happening.Who were the people? Where was she? Vienna sighed and laid back down, it didn't matter, she needed to focus on the missions at hand. As she fell into a fitful sleep, one thought kept running through her head, she is Nick Fury's daughter. The next morning as she woke and began getting ready for the day she began searching her head for an answer to a question. Who is Nick Fury and how are they connected? This search continued as she walked to Pierces office.

When she arrived she banished the thought to the corner of her brain and entered the room. She immediately sat down next to the Winter Soldier, across from Pierce.

"Ah, Houdini, thank you for joining us" Pierce smiled at her, though it didn't reach his eyes.

"Prostite, ser, proshu proshcheniya za opozdaniye. Etogo bol'she ne povtoritsya." (Sorry for being late sir, it will not happen again)Vienna responded as she nodded her head, a sign of respect.

"You're fine, just get on with the report. I have a meeting in 20 minutes."

Vienna turned to the winter soldier and nodded. He began describing their mission with extreme detail. Barnes had started giving all mission reports because he hated how Vienna got caught on words and missed information when she recalled it. She was fine with him taking over, this was one of the only times he spoke. Usually he just stared, a lot. Vienna didn't remember why they started working together, just that their first joint mission was about 1 ½ years ago.

Vienna didn't realize she had zoned out until, the heard the screeching of his chair on the cement ground as Barnes got up to leave. She did the same and they were about to leave when Peirce stood up.

"Wait, both of you. I want to tell you about your next mission right now. Come back in, sit down." Both Vienna and Barnes looked at each other before sitting down again.

"Now, Vienna you haven't been on a mission to the US since the failed Avengers mission,"
Vienna looked at him, she couldn't remember what happened on that mission but Peirce always spoke of it in a negative tone, so she could only guess she fucked it up pretty badly, "But, i have decided to give you another chance. We are sending both of you to Washington DC to complete a mission. I want Nicholas Fury assassinated. He is the director of SHIELD and I need him out of the way. You're being shipped out in 3 days, go get ready."

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