~~part 7~~

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~1 Week After Peter's Death~
It had been a week but Vienna couldn't get the snap of Peter's neck out of her ears. She was supposed to move to a different apartment 4 days ago but she hadn't. She couldn't. She hasn't even left this apartment since the fight. It was dangerous and stupid but Vienna had lost all motivation to do anything. She stopped eating, showering, stopped doing everything. Vienna barely had the strength to stand up. If a HYDRA agent came through her door Vienna wouldtn be able to stop them, she didn't even know if she would want to.

~2 Weeks After Peter's Death~
Vienna was feeling better, she was eating and had showered and even began training again. She wasn't as strong as usual but that was to be expected. She still hadn't switched apartments and was growing anxious and paranoid. Every footstep in the hallway was an agent sent to collect her. Every person who walked behind her on the street was a threat. Vienna was planning to move in the next 3 days, as soon as she got a good opportunity. The motel 6 where she had been staying was nicer than the usual dumps but staying in 1 place for this long was dangerous.
~2 Weeks After Peter's Death~
~Cafe Outside of Vienna's HYDRA Apartment~
"So what do we know about this girl, other than she has incredible reflexes and can take both of you down." Steve Rogers questioned Clint and Nat outside of a cute cafe near Stark tower.

"Almost nothing. THis building was where i first spotted her," Clint gestured to a nearby apartment building before continuing, "It was during the Battle and I tried to help her because I believed her to be a random civilian but as soon as I got to her she took a swan dive off the side and I lost track of her. "

"Then we saw her in the parking garage about a week later and you know what happened then." Nat had already filled Steve in about the garage fiasco.

Cap nodded, "OK, so, what's our plan here. Are there any leads?"

"There hasn't been any sightings or reports that match her description since the bloodbath 2 weeks ago. She's a ghost but I got somebody in tech to do a little digging and I found out that a young woman has stayed at multiple apartment buildings and motels in the past 2 months. She uses a different name every time but I think it could be her." Nat leaned forward as she explained her findings and Clint nodded,
"So we find where she's staying now and move in before she changes location again. Easy" He smirked and leaned back.

Steve brought his cup of coffee to his mouth and after taking a sip responded, "Even if it's three against one we need to be careful. It's clear that she's very well trained but we don't know the extent of what she's capable of."

"Ok fine, we stay safe. And I'm pretty sure I already have her location. There's a Motel 6 in Brooklyn, that's the most recent place she checked in." Natasha said as she slipped out a 20 and left it on the cafe table. All 3 Avengers made their way to the slick black vehicle parked down the block and climbed in. As soon as Steve closed his door Nat stepped on it and they went flying down the street.

15 minutes later they pulled into the Motel 6 parking lot and Natasha cut the engine. They all stepped out and eyed the building. Steve adjusted his shield as Clint unfolded his bow.

"Alright she's in room 216, which faces the courtyard. Once we are in there Clint move to the opposite side balcony and get an explosive arrow ready, that slowed her down last time. Me and Cap will go to her door and grab her. Hopefully the element of surprise works in our favor." Nat gave the orders and the men followed them.

The trio walked around the back where a gate cut them off from the U shaped courtyard. There were 3 levels and an empty pool in the middle. Her room is on the 2nd level of the east side, which means Clint would be situated on the 3rd level of the west side. Steve ripped the card scanner of the black gate and they slipped inside. Clint immediately ran to climb the stairs and the other two waited for him to get into position before making their way up the stairs.

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