~~part 8~~

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Almost as soon as Steve Rogers had hit the ground he was up, running after the young woman. She had knocked over both Clint and Natasha but he didn't have time to help them if he was going to stop her from leaving. He ran out of the interrogation room, shield in hand, to see her run into the stairwell. Steve followed her and watched as she leaped from floor to floor with the agility of a trained assassin. He lifted his hand to his earpiece and spoke to all security within the building. "There is a hostile force making her way to the lobby. Suspect is a teen black girl. Stop her at any cost." After repeating the message once more he jumped down the stairwell, not bothering to slow down. He slammed into the bottom and his boots left an imprint. Then he ran out to the lobby and spotted the girls hair as she ran out the doors, security guards in tow. He followed, but was too late, she had already disappeared into the crowd. Damn it.

Heading back into the building a message came through, "Cap, we are in the infirmary. Meet us immediately so we can make a game plan." Romanoff's voice was muffled by Steve's anger but he started heading up to the infirmary.

About an hour later all 3 Avengers were cleared and healthy other than a nasty gash on Cint's head from his fall, he was pushed right into the doorway. THey made their way down to the lobby, a car was here to transport them to SHIELD headquarters to meet with Fury.
Once they made it to headquarters the trio headed straight for the director's office and knocked.

"Come in." The director's rough voice sounded calm but it was clear by his face that Director Fury was anything but. "Sit, I want a full mission report." Fury's voice was commanding but stable. After all three agents had taken a seat, Nat explained everything that happened since the cafe to having the girl in custody then Steve stepped in,

"Since we are not sure if she has any enhanced abilities we cuffed her  with special power blocking cuffs, courtesy of Stark Industries. Then we stepped away from the window to discuss which of us should question her first and I volunteered. Then as i made my way to the room she was in i looked in the window and she was gone, the cuffs were there but they were empty. All three of us entered the room but she was hiding and when we entered she ambushed us."

"Then when Steve chased after her and I was injured on the ground, Natasha investigated the room. She found a bobby pin in the lock. Somehow that girl got out of top of the line cuffs with a hair accessory." Clint added on.

"So you fools let a teenage girl outsmart you and escape Avengers custody." Fury was quickly losing his cool.

"I don't think she was just a teenage girl," Nat interrupted, "I have heard about an assassin. A girl, no one has seen her face, no one knows her age, and no one knows who she works for. The Intelligence Community calls her Houdini. She doesn't have a face, just the ability to escape from anywhere. There are also rumors that she has magnified senses, which would make sense considering she heard us outside of the motel and could see us through the one-sided window."

The three men leaned back in their chairs and absorbed the information, "You say she's an assassin, what's her count." Fury asked.

"I don't know the exact count but it's somewhere around 50 kills in the past 6 years. And about 10 of those were hired assassinations" Natasha answered.

"6 years? She couldn't have been older than 18. You mean to tell me she has been killing since she was 12." Steve was shocked.

"Probably earlier, assassins start young. I did" Nat stared down Steve as she delivered this information with a stone cold expression.

"Since we have no clue where she might go next I've already sent a STRIKE team to the motel she was staying at. Hopefully she stops there to collect her stuff before moving on. Now you three are going to keep researching. I want this girl in SHIELD custody by the end of the month. That means you have 3 weeks to bring her in. Understood?" NIck stood up and gestured for the agents to leave. All of them responded affirmatively before exiting the room.

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