~~part 3~~

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~A HYDRA Plane~
~Somewhere Over the Atlantic Ocean~
"Now we are going to stop in upstate new york to transfer you to a helicopter and they are going to drop you off on top of an undercover HYDRA building, there are agents waiting to intercept you. They will go over the plan with you and then it's radio silence until we retrieve you." The HYDRA agent was going over the plan one last time, in about an hour we would be in New York and Vienna would be on her first solo mission.

The past 5 days had been a whirlwind of training, preparing, and anxiety. Vienna couldn't remember a time she had been on a mission without Peter, much less completely alone. At least it was just an observation and intelligence mission. Vienna didn't know if she could handle having an actual active duty mission.

Leaning her head back against the seat, she heard an exclamation from the pilot,"Shit, there's a storm coming in and it's coming in quick. Fuck this wasnt on the sensor." The agent who informed her of the plan, Ivanov, threw a parachute her way. She looked at him in confusion , and then gripped it and felt all the blood leave her face as she realized what she might need to do.

The small plane wasn't equipped to travel through weather and if an engine blew or the pilot lost control it would be each man for themselves. Vienna strapped on the parachute and grabbed her smallest most necessary bag. She waited for more news from the pilot as she tried to control her breathing. They had gone over crash landings or plane jumping in training but every piece of information left her head as Ivanov turned to look at her. His gaze was unrelenting and Vienna found no sympathy there.
She nodded at him and he threw open the emergency exit door and nodded to her. Taking one last deep breath she looked at the pilot one last time, she knew the chances of him making it off the plane were low. Then without thinking Vienna hurled her body out of the aircraft and squeezed her eyes shut.

Somehow she remembered to deploy the parachute, somehow she remembered how to steer and somehow she landed in the water without too much trouble. After dropping into the freezing cold water and unstrapping the parachute so it wouldn't pull her under, Vienna scanned the sky around her. Somewhere to the northwest she could see a speck of land, so that's where she started swimming.

Vienna had never had to really survive, there had been countless drills but this was real. She activated her panic button on her bracelet and slowly started to set a pace of swimming. After about 5 hours of swimming, then resting, then swimming again, she heard a roaring above her. Vienna started waving her arms and screaming, "HEY, HEYYY, OVER HERE." She knew the low flying helicopter probably wouldn't see her but there was no way in hell she was missing this opportunity.

Just when she thought it was going to move on, it stopped. Hovering in midair right above her. She looked up and saw a rope tumble out of the side and drop into the water not 20 feet from her. Vienna booked it and raced over to it. She created a loop and slipped her foot in before giving 2 harsh yanks. The rope started rising and Vienna fought to hold back her tears, someone found her, she was saved.

When the rope finally reached the awaiting helicopter, multiple pairs of hands reached out and pulled her in. As she looked up Vienna saw several familiar faces. She smiled and spoke, "Slava bogu, ty nashel menya, khotya ya dolzhen byl umeret' tam."(Thank god you found me, I thought I was to die out there.) One of the HYDRA agents she had trained with laughed and responded,

"My - komanda, kotoraya dolzhna byla perevezti vas v N'yu-York. Kogda vash samolet ne poyavilsya, pozvonila Pirs i prislala vash signal bedstviya. My iskali vas 3 chasa"(We are the team who was supposed to transfer you to New York. When your plane didn't show up, Peirce called and sent us your distress signal. We have been looking for you for 3 hours) Vienna breathed out a sigh of relief and asked,

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