Unsaid Words (Kwon Ji Yong)

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My anger boiled just under the surface but I managed to contian it. I couldn't stand what almost happened at the club. I really wanted to know who that jackass was; she knew him and she kept that from me. More secrets. Didn't matter though; I was in the process of getting that information too.

She emerged from my bathroom after a while wearing my sweatshirt. The black contrasted nicely with her long red hair. It looked good on her.

"Your coat."

I took the fur coat from her and placed it on the free standing coat hook. Turning back to face her I gestured her over to the dinning room table and pulled out a chair. She sat and her mossy green eyes lit up as she looked at the food waiting there.

"I hope you like Italian food." I said by her ear as I helped push her chair in. Her sensual scent of lavender vanilla caught me off guard.  I had a strange urge to linger near her breathe her in.

"Yes, very much thankyou." A small smile crept to her full lips. Cute.

"Then let's eat." I grabbed a bottle of red wine and began to pour it for her. I was hoping that the wine and food would help let down her guard. Her emerald gaze settled on the glass as I set it down.

"Do you not like wine?"

"I haven't really drank wine before...more of the beer and liqour type."

"It goes really well with Italian food, try it." Putting the wine bottle back in the iced bucket I seated myself lifting my glass to toast.

"May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past."

"I'll drink to that." But her smile looked forced as our glasses clinked together. I watched her lips curve around the rim of the glass and her ivory neck as she swallowed all of the wine at once.

"Thirtsy?" I laughed setting down my glass and getting up to refill hers.

"Be careful this stuff will sneak up on you." I gave her that smile that always worked on girls.

Her pale cheeks turned bright red and she looked down. Then she took a breath and looked back at me. "I think I like wine." She let out a cute laugh which ended in a smile. She then picked up her fork and began eating. I did as well as I watched her. I was trying to figure out how to break our silence in a comfortable way.

"If you want desert we can have that ordered too."

"Oh no thanks this is plenty." She held up her hand and I saw the angry bruise on her wrist. Shit! How hard had that jerk grabbed her?

Picking up my white cloth napkin I reached into the ice bucket and created a compress. Gently I reached out to her hand and placed it onto her injury.

"You should have told me it was this bad."

"Oh, I bruise easily." She reached out and held it on her own. "Thankyou."

"Does it hurt? I can get you some ibuprofen. "

"It's not so bad. I'll be fine." She paused fidgeting with the compress her brow furrowed. "Ji Yong, why are you being so nice to me?" Her eyes locked in on me.

"What do you mean?"

"Back at the club, this sweatshirt, dinner..." she smoothed down the shirt and gestured to the table. And then the wine. Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?"

I choked on my food and began to cough I didn't expect her to say that. I took a large sip of wine as she grinned and wiped my lips. "I wasn't trying to take advantage of you not that your...I mean...aish!" I began to stammer completely of guard.

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